Real talk

why do so many trannies and pedophiles like pokemon.

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Based pic

Because its targeted at kids. It's pretty simple. Same with Fnaf, Minecraft, etc.

Since that filthy coomer Ohmori got his hands on the IP these games have been nothing but loli visual novels

self insert and escapism.

stranger things, star wars, etc all of it

>casually lumping in trannies with pedophiles to smear the image of pedophiles by associating them with trannies

So why do the jannies not ban and delete very obvious grooming threads.
kys tranny

Russia is getting raped in Kherson right now so expect more of these threads from asshurt Any Forumsnig's spamming the rest of the boards

kys pedophile

nice assumption bro, but not the case.
this board is overrun by groomers, pedos, and trannies.

at any given time there is multiple questionable threads that go undeleted.

They probably don't actually like it.
Pokemon is just an easy route to get to kids.



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kys pedophile

don't forget soibois

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literally me. pre orded violet on the spot

Pedos gravitate towards anything that involves minors. Tbh tons of adults enjoy pokemon as it was part of their childhood and it’s such a casual franchise anyone can play. Trannies like pokemon because 9 out of 10 times the trans person has a weird infantile fetish thing since they didn’t grow up as the gender they wanted to be. Hope this helps

Because those types of people are usually autistic manchildren obsessed with children's things just like everyone on this board

everybody likes pokemon
its the most popular franchise in the world

i want to like this new fangled fakemeat, but i remember reading about them flavoring it with samples from celebrities. its like weird cult shit.

Celebs are literal cult leaders but without religion shit. Instead, more on popular topics. Look at how many people following celebs, influencers, content creators; listen to their stories, embrace their believes, imitate their lifestyles, and picking their endorsements.

Correct answer