Bald-ass nigga has no power even though being a billionaire fr fr no cap

bald-ass nigga has no power even though being a billionaire fr fr no cap

Attached: baldie.jpg (594x618, 82.57K)

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This looks like pre-emptive damage control


kek what an endorsement. $1 billion and millions of man hours later and even their ceo shits all over it before it airs

Trump couldn't even got his driver to take him where he wanted.
The people in power are never famous.

Bald-ass cuck just gives his money away to his ex-wife's boyfriends.


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oh lord...


this. just in case.

whats up with his face? looking a little bogged. botox?

Oh Good Lord have mercy

Oh lawdy dem rangz

>humans universally hate looking at or listening to niggers
>put niggers in english fantasy story
why don't people like it????


>can afford to fuck the hottest freshest pussy on planet earth
>fucks a bogdanoff instead
What did he mean by this?

Attached: bezos_sanchez.jpg (1280x720, 286.06K)

He looks a little off, is he BOGGED now?

they can keep trying, and they'll keep failing. anyone that has real world experience with browns learns of their natural animalistic tendencies and inferiority,

Too much sun

Even Bezos kneels...

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You're absolutely correct, but you're also implying that she doesn't sit there and watch him rail young pussy and then he cuts open the young pussy and drains all the blood so they can both bathe in it together

once a nerd always a nerd

what were his notes? to have frodo use drone delivery on the ring to mt doom?

leave besos alone, he was just trying to connect with the younger crowd

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You don't understand, they want to sink the USA. It looks like they plan is failing because you think they are still on ship. Truth is they abandoned ship in the 80s
