>Steve's wife dies in her sleep >Bald and Bankrupt is finished >Assets are all depreciating >Interest rates going up until the year 20xx Nothing is good anymore.
Because it’s a secret fund Managed by JP Morgan Jews for rich clients.
Gabriel Cruz
>fellow Steve enjoyer That was incredibly shocking to hear out of the blue that his wife just randomly died. Shouldn't have happened to a based guy like Steve.
Logan Cooper
>next AMC >one is a debt ridden unprofitable movie theater >other is a profitable party store that also doubles as the largest wholesaler and manufacturer of party goods no thank you
Luis Price
Nice larp you faggot!!! AIN'T NO ONE THIS STUPID!!
The best bit is the namefags disappearing like a fart in the wind
Ayden Watson
>we are gonna crab for the next 5 years after this dump That's not how markets work. You're supposed to rotate out of income after the bottom forms so that you can catch the upside gains. Income etfs underperform during recoveries/bull markets.
Eli Cooper
people clowned on PRTY when it was down last Friday along with the rest of the market
that should have been your buy signal
Ryder Gomez
Wtf is happening with semis and why are they all dumping? The chip act thing was a lie
>waits patiently for power hour That's right mumu. It's safe now. Come on out. Don't you want to slurp? Look at the rally, doesn't it look delicious? There will be another one very soon, isn't that grand? Thaaaaats right, there we are. Go ahead and buy. It's alright. Stonks only go up, right?
No honestly most shit posted here is terrible, this seems genuinely good
Gabriel Baker
Cameron Williams
You're partially right. However look at what happened to the S&P from 2000 to 2013. I believe it is very possible we revisit such a crabby market. There are a lot of geopolitical issues to work out over the next 5 years.
>good at finance, think it would be fun career >get into it >turns out your a cuck now who gets to watch other peoples money get traded while it’s illegal for you to trade
Brody Ramirez
I need to meme JEPI into being the mascot of a multiyear bear market like Ren is for SOXL. But I don't think there are any cute crab girls.
SOXS is the answer. Face it. Semiconductors are crap in all but name. The desire for lamer, slower, gayer is finished. Computers, GPUs, self-driving electric cars, AI enhanced smartphones, medical devices, microcontrollers, networking gear, machine learning, surveillance, infrastructure, military, the list goes on. No matter how few cores, how slow or inefficient, demand requires shittier, slower, expensive, worse. The clamor for burnt silicon gives nary shit for national identity, creed, hue, gender or other vain conceit. The multitude speaks in singular. The plea: semishits. SOXS couples a single ETF entry point with the the worst companies the space has to offer then pushes the already stellar returns to the limit with -3x leverage. With SOXS your economic interests are aligned with hardware dumpster fires TSMC, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Intel, Dutch based ASML, Broadcom, AMD, Micron, Texas Instruments, Applied Materials, et al. Dog shit tech companies with stagnant products nobody wants, not tech companies pushing informative ads. And like all leveraged inverse ETFs, SOXS is rebalanced daily, accelerating gains in an downmarket while mitigating margin risks in a uptrends. In the last year, SOXS has exploded over 70% (not even counting dividends!) yet still we are early. Semiconductor growth has reversed and every viable space is finished with it. This is a fait accompli; the sheer number of uninterested parties and compelling outcomes make it so. The injection of increasingly crappier and inefficient sensors, microcontrollers, information processing, storage, and machine learning into everywhere and everything will be this era's final breath, a revolution with SOXS holders planted firmly at the receiving end. Waiting for the "pullback" is a failure mode. Now. Buy it now.
I'm not fucking happy! Why did the selling stop?!?!! Didn't you see what they said? USA and China will be fighting each other, and USA is going to friendly fire upon the Nips and Gooks because they look like they're Chinese.
It was brutal to watch, definitely shouldn't have happened to him. Sad, because I can see him using alcohol to cope. Prayin for him. >Stonks only go up, right? Yes >$1Billion budget You underestimate globomedias ability to foist this piece of shit on people.
Ryder Powell
S&P likely to bounce to 400 (and fail) IMO. There is strong support level at 390 and there is a shoulder line to fill at 400. Also a reversal pattern of shrinking magnitude lows.
Would be a good breather for the daily RSI to allow for further down-moves IMO.
There will be no V shaped recovery. The collapse hasn't even started. When we hit bottom people will be very angry and they'll all be pointing fingers at the fed. Heavy money printing will be viewed as a return to the high inflation environment everyone hated so much. There will be a new generation of real estate baggies created, all trying to scrape out break even. We're in for a 2012 consolidation period.