Tattoos make me so uncomfortable...

Tattoos make me so uncomfortable. Like I can't even look at a person if they have a tat they just seem at best low IQ and at worst a literal demon that is possessed

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Depends where the tattoos are at really.

Back to /pol Abraham.

It’s not that deep, also nice blog post faggot

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agree. tattoos were never appealing to me but they really stopped being cool when every onions boy and roastie got one.

when I see a woman with tattoo I think that if she's willing to do that to her body she's probably willing to fuck up my life in ever worse ways

retrain your brain to see it as easy pussy

I share similar sentiments, however this has nothing to do with /biz. Here even a mc'douchebag can make it. Though I would never take financial advice from an idiot covered in tats, if they make it then it was from pure luck.
Aslo: are tattooed faggots.

Yea it's the worst with women, always drops their attractiveness down by at least 3 points, i.e. 8s become 5s.
I don't understand how anyone can have such little respect for themselves that they have to deface their body with scribbles.
Just imagine, at some point in their life they would have gone out of their way to a tattoo place, decided on something, and sat there for an hour or more while it was done.
Even nipple piercings are disgusting, it's like that means you willingly showed some random guy your tits to get them pierced, just shows they're shameless and have no dignity. Would never marry a woman like that, imagine being the child and growing up knowing your mother was a whore like that, just terrible.

good luck with aids.

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>Just imagine, at some point in their life they would have gone out of their way to a tattoo place, decided on something, and sat there for an hour or more while it was done.
oh also forgot, THEY PAID MONEY FOR IT, sometimes hundreds of dollars. holy shit it's retarded

imagine getting intimidated by tattoos

OP is an in the closet homo neet

what's with autistic people losing their shit about tattoos
I don't have any and think they're pretty gay but you losers overreact
>one tattoo on a hot girl

I guarantee, if you do actually know any high-IQ people, 1 in 5 of them have non-visible tattoos.
I agree with your sentiment regarding hand/face tattoos, with the exception of people raised in unusual cultures. I work with a man that is a literal wizard when it comes to mass spectroscopy, he has a maori face tattoo. He's lovely and wicked smart.

I think you just need to get out and meet more people from around the world, OP. I think your viewpoint is mostly valid when applied to the average westerner.

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Nobody is intimidated by your cliched söy doodles, faggot.

It’s a body dysmorphia in line with being a tranny. You think you can improve your appearance by permanent physical alterations but to everyone else you just look like a deranged freak.

I have exactly 0 tats queer

I don't know either. Its fascinating. I'd love to know. Especially since most of them probably look like absolute dogshit themselves.

I get feeling like that about people who are fucking covered in tattoos but its common on Any Forums to flip shit about a single arm tattoo. and no, "everyone" doesn't agree with you, in many age brackets its more common to have at least one tattoo than not. it's not the 1950's anymore.
again, to clarify, tattoos are gay but your panic-attack-tier overreactions are also gay

affected pickiness is abandonment anxiety. the goal is to reject feelings of attraction to women so that you don't have to cope with possible rejection, or even worse, possible good relations.
i compulsively do it even though i'm completely aware of what's going on. it's an extremely difficult frame of mind to break out of.

Agreed, some of the hottest (and nicest) women I've seen/known had tattoos. Those stick and poke scribbles however are atrocious.

tatoos are cool tho, its just a fashion statement

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If I would meet the love of my life and she would like me back but I'd find out she has or used to have even the tiniest tattoo i'd drop her instantly.

>You like art
Why not permanently plaster art on your body?
>You like food
Why not staple a banana peel to your arm?
>You like money
Why not glue a $100 bill to your forehead?

Oh I remember now, because I’d look like a fucking idiot doing any of those things.
Tattoos are low IQ, low self esteem garbage. Simple as that.