How do I short Germany?
How do I short Germany?
are there any male politicians in germany? or did all the men with balls get smoked in WW2
One hair on the head of a Ukrainian child is worth more than all the Germans in the universe
based, fuck krauts
I hope I can make it in the USA before shit gets this bad
Germans hate themselves and have some martyr complex while being extremely uppity for people who keep failing since 150 years. It's not a controversial take at all.
Looks like they are shorting themselves.
kys for being a dumb sheep not seeing that this is fake
I feel like the treaties of WWII weren't harsh enough on Germany, so now Germany has to flagellate itself hard enough to get the population psychologically primed for WWIII
Is it because they are jewish?
“My job as foreign minister is to put other countries’ interests ahead of Germany’s.” — Anna Barecock
I gotta say the yuropoors sure are good at carrying out amerimutt liberal policies, they follow them like a good doggie
Fuck off Ivan.
ukrainans are white, so that's fine
now just deport or genocide your subhuman shitskins and you're onto something.
this is fake, but it should be real. a single ukrainian is worth more than the entire german population.
>it's another russian demoralization thread
please fuck off to Any Forums already. why are you shitting up this board, too? we don't give a fuck.
If it wasnt clear by now, theyre just puppets that appease American interests
Especially WEF and UN interests at that