I’m not going to have sex ever again unless it’s with a hot woman. Might be waiting a long time.
I’ve been banging too many fatties
You'll be so sex starved that you'll marry the first one you bang who will be a fatty (and insane) and she will ruin your life.
Just alternate with skinny asian whores
Almost happened to me, dodged a fucking bullet but now I got a crazy ex
they cost $100 in your nearest brothel
I did this last weekend, she is also little retarted.
a real man has to have a fucked a few beasts to eventually know what he really wants
now you can go monk mode and wait till you get the perfect woman which will happen
I haven't had sex in 10 years. No attachments, lots of money. I don't care about anything. Is this a good thing?
it just is user. i'm coming up on 3 years minus accidentally getting laid 2 months ago. some people are allowed the drive to fuck and others aren't
"Just is" sounds right.
I told myself the same, i haven't had sex in over 3 years now
sorry fren. maybe next time we'll be able to be human
>You'll be so sex starved that you'll marry the first one you bang who will be a fatty (and insane) and she will ruin your life.
this happened to me, except without the marriage, they ruin your life and leave you when you hit rock bottom. there's a reason why adultery and divorce was illegal. women are evil
Thats what hookers are for.
I don't want to be. I look forward to nothing. Even if you made me Michael Jordan I wouldn't want a do-over.
same here, been 3 years, then got with a 6/10 recently, it's not worth dealing with their shit
All pussy is for sale.
You pay with your time.
You pay with your wallet.
Some men get better pussy for less.
Some men get worse pussy for more.
But we all pay.
Pussy is never free.
Who will reveal the true market price?
They will be blessed.
Who will free us from reliance on this market?
They will be cursed.
i promised that to myself and have been starved from sex for 5 years
Sounds like depression. I've reached a stage of complete I don't give a fuck, and its really chill and pleasant. Haven't had sex in 4 years, don't give a fuck. Don't get stressed by anything anymore. Sometimes I feel like I'm not even a human being anymore given how little I feel, but whatever its not unpleasant.
Banging fatties without any regard for their mental health is one of the best thing about "making it"
It could be, and I've considered it. It's not classical depression, I'm high functioning, I just don't care about anything. It's quite liberating. I guess I hate to think of something this potentially good as depression.
Yeah it feels really liberating to me. I use to worry so much all the time about so many things when I was younger. Now I couldn't give a shit about anything, and ironically I can socialize so much more easily and kinda do all the things I couldn't do before. Maybe its just a side effect of getting older, I've also improved my diet and exercise way more. Whatever it is, its chill, I don't see any reason to change, and if you feel something similar I don't think its a problem at all.
just means you learned to ignore the few limbic fomo signals that get through your mid brain veil