>yeah Monero is good for spending but it's not a store of value
If that were true then why has Monero been outperforming Bitcoin for the entire year? If you had bought Monero before the invasion of Ukraine you could have almost doubled your stack of BTC by this point.
Monero is a centralized honeypot with a hidden inflation bug to steal from retards like you.
Matthew Bailey
Woah a whole year! Hey everybody, XMR has been going up in sats for an ENTIRE YEAR! WOW! That's pretty much all of crypto history and definitely not a cherry picked time interval with absolutely zero significance!
>look at ethereum, same thing. Ethereum has been overall outperforming Bitcoin for the last 3 years. If you had bought during the last bear market you're still up in sats.
Give me a specific number of years a coin can be up where it's no longer in a "downtrend" or bleeds vs Bitcoin.