Why do people deny that Bitcoin is backed by energy?
Why do people deny that Bitcoin is backed by energy?
i hate being an incel
the same maxis denying that mining is becoming increasingly less feasible due to economic and geopolitical issues, the US will drop BTC as soon as the Merge is stable to keep the power grids from getting overloaded this winter
also coffee is good for you
because it isnt backed by energy.
If it was "backed" by energy, you could get the energy back out of it, which you cant, because there is no energy stored in a fucking hash.
>ugly roastie
>useless time wasting question
back to Any Forums you go
>yes, id like to redeem my bitcoin for the energy that its backed buy.
sorry kiddo, what we meant is that energy was burned and all you got was some numbers on a ledger.
would be cool if the mods could just ban lust provoking image ops
cause it's just demoralizing
holy fuck you cant even look at an image of an average girl without losing it? what kind of loser tranny mentality is that. get it together you fucking faggot.
That's a man
Damn, I bet that bitch just slurped up that curry shit like a fucking starving african. She just can’t help herself.
I would suck his dick if you know what I mean
wow great bait. have a (You) if its so important for your satisfaction.
I'm herbing the options field though.
because the Russians do admit to it.
meanwhile Ethereum is backed by utility
>b-b-but muh gas fees
MATIC is a thing for a real fuck face
It's backed by energy because it cost tangible energy to produce, even some labour (people working in energy companies).
lol, that isn't what backed means, user
You have to be able to convert it directly back into the 'backing' asset.
i hate this fucking picture and I hate seeing it everywhere
That's like saying dollars are backed by cotton fibers, it COSTS cotton fibers to produce dollars and it's not possible to get them back out, bitcoin COSTS energy and labor to use but you can't get those things back out of it. You've been living with fiat your entire life so it's not surprising you crypto baggies don't get this
>gold backed currency
>can trade the currency for gold
>energy backed currency
>can i trade the currency for energy?
you win the stupid award today op
You can sell it and pay for the energy bill, so it is directly convertable.
LMFAO you can sell dollars to buy gold therefore the US dollar is backed by gold, what kind of lead paint have you been eating?
so the energy company gets the money twice? lmao i think they might be behind crypto all this time
Literally every crypto is backed by energy in your shitty definition
>selling the btc back to energy