No wonder Masuda retired from Game Freak, he's starting to look old and miserable

No wonder Masuda retired from Game Freak, he's starting to look old and miserable.

Attached: FZ_m2z0UIAA7vbE.jpg (2048x1536, 566.95K)

>54 years old
Well, yeah

He went to unova?

what is with his left eye?

left eye is fine
it's the right eye that looks weird

Can't tell with chinks, their eyes are all fucked up

Imagine how Tajiri is nowadays

there is nothing wrong with him

Attached: 1409259815081.gif (333x337, 680.05K)

you didn't buy gen 5
you hate gen 6
and you blame him for everything when he doesn't even direct anymore
I'd quit too

Based on the shadow on his right side I assume it’s half-closed because if the sun glaring into it

He poured his entire SOVL in XY and the franchise just kept going downhill.
He tried to get a new breath just like he saved the entire franchise from collapsing with Ruby&Sapphire, and this time didnt work. Instead, Pokemon Go saved it.

At that exact point, 170 million dollar profit and a mini-pokemania in 2017 with a fucking mobile game, he realized it was over. He put a soulless gaijin as director, culled the pokedex and even then, the game once again was a massive success. Put another famous gaijin to compose a song, and everyone talked about it instead of the entire rest of the OSTs.

He retired shortly after that, creating a new position as "creative director" and assuming it himself. He would still hold the power to change stuff as he wanted to, but other than that, the franchise was free.

He was free.

Jesus, you guys are ruthless.
Thank you for the laughs, this month is turning out terrible. I'm so tired guys

God, his eyes look so fucking dead, it's unreal.

You did this to him, you heartless bastards. Apologize right this instant.

No national dex no apology

The guy made his money and got a cushy retirement job.
Everything he tried to make crashed and burnt nobody respects or likes him. He constantly gets shit on by the fans I would have fucked off to.

One too many bugerus in anus

After Pokemania died he revived the series with RS.


The fuck do you mean he revived the series.
The series was still going, if it wasn't for nintendo they wouldn't even have gen 2.

Damn he aged a lot. SWSH backlash stress has taken its toll

His hairline is still strong though