Eurobros, it's not looking good

However, instead of falling into despair and wailing in our own misery, we should be proactive and try to come up with some solutions to weather the coming storm. Looking back at the Great Depression and the time of hyperinflation in Europe, a time of, among other things, greatly reduced consumer spending, which types of businesses survived or even thrived? Which types of jobs were secure? Are there any concrete examples of business men who successfully built a company and attained wealth and fortune during those trying years? Let's discuss and try to find some opportunities.

Attached: EU.jpg (626x434, 24.52K)

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Brand de EU naar de hel

Grow food

>who wins?
da juice

This thread is going to end up a shitshow idk why i bother with this but anyway. Most things food-related won't have an issue. Local joints are going to be reduced in number. Like always, private sector, especially services are going to get hit hard. Viable options
Government worker: any level has job security, and in europe it's too comfy
Work in production: Food or basic utilities. Competitions is tough so you'd better have connections with your local government. Idk marry some councillor's daughter or something
Getting useful skills in things like gardening and stop eating shit you're good. If you don't live in an apartment the possibilities are endless. If, not find something to do indoors. Also, rumor has it the EU will impose a state-mandated winter cut

This is the great reset you putz. And no, you won't be controlling your own destiny, but a big war is certainly on the horizon. Perhaps leaving the EU is optimal.

There is only one option.
Inmolate yourselves on the minecraft EU parliament while this song plays

Fuck hohols, ukraine and the US.

doom-parroting american faggot

Swedefag here, bought oil when it was spiking last time around. Made good profits on it, but be sure to jump out when steam runs out and not get too greedy.. This winter will be no different.

Lots of opportunities. Inflation is going up, 9.1% in the EU supposedly, that means money will be flowing into commodities. Again, I suggest energy. And dont go buy any EQNR just because of the hype. Wait for that falling knife to drop a bit more.

It really aint rocket science. I keep making money, im not that brilliant. You guys should be able to figure it out as well.

btw, obviously if MonkeBox makes a return (called clade 1 and clade 2 now by the WHO to confuse morons) - obviously buy BAVA or SIGA. I did about 140% on bava last time.
I think we arent done with monkebox just yet. It will make a return. Be ready for that, watch it daily.
Easiest money I ever made.

OK, Ahmed

Large government construction programs like Tennessy Valley Authority, Autobahn, Afsluitdijk.
Arms industry
Steel industry
Oil industry
Gold mines
Anything that provides tools or resources for big spend construction projects, and anything that prepares for war.

Oh the climate scare folks have decided nobody will losten as they restart coal plants and nuclear plants. They have decided that WATER will be the next thing to control you with.
So think creatively about water, saving water, reuse of water, desalination, etc.

This a perfect time to create a fake business and try and sell that to Chinese investors.

That is simple - join Ukraine in the war and win, then dictate your terms on energy imports

Why, yes, this requires some balls

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Nigga, your governments are trying to essentially ban food production and you are talking about solutions? It's like Africans talking about world peace when they are always at war with each other.

>T. Azov.

im moving back in with mommy
throwing NEETbuckos into crypto and commodities

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>it's not looking good
I disagree, a lot of the inflation is due to supply chain disruptions, in particular energy. It is a "disruption" problem, and alternatives supply chains will emerge. Winter is also gonna be milder than average (forecast).
To further expand on the supply chain disruption, since the inflation is primarily caused by this, the chance of hyper inflation is zero - because you need excessive money printing in order to go into hyper inflation. It also reduces how high the interest rate will go, since you won't get more natural gas or oil from raising rates.

Also if there is one thing we learned from Covid, then it is how domesticated the citizens of Europe is, the politician say mandatory vaxx and a media/public opinion frenzy emerge - not aimed at the politicians, but at those few oddballs civilians who oppose the politicians.
Social unrest will not be a thing.

2023 is gonna be a VERY green year, inflation will fall, energy prices will fall, asset prices will sky rocket. Holding any asset that has been beaten by the current environment is a guaranteed +30%.

>Social unrest will not be a thing.
yurobros why are people here so cucked

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thanks user for this thread. I am also interested in these topics. will monitor the thread

where do you get your trading ideas? just by reading news?

Is it really that bad in Yurop? I see shit about high energy prices on Twitter and in the news, but one thing I've learned is that Twitter and the news almost NEVER reflect the reality of the situation people tend to be living.

Are the yuropoors on this board really feeling the effects of high inflation/high energy prices? Or is it not really even affecting you right now?

Yes it's very bad. Obviously not right now, since you can just not turn on the AC and only need gas for hot water to shower. My expected utilities bill for a small app is up to 400€/m during winter.
Alongside that rent only goes up obviously, and life in general is a lot more expensive due to inflation/energy crisis