I love Penny!

I love Penny!

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Ugly unlovable bitch

Literally the most unfapable female in the series since Kris.

I want to give her wedgies until she pisses herself

I need some penny abuse art. Not sexual abuse, I want her to suffer

The design is pretty great, but I can't say I love her without playing the game and meeting her. Loving someone on appearance alone is pretty shallow.

Go fuck yourself, kill your entire family, and then kill yourself.

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I'm gonna get diaper art of Penny

Then fucking do it already dumb bitch
Just saying it over and over is even more pathetic

Fresh Penny art

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99% of pokegirls are bland as fuck with one note personalities and little to no development, all of them basically are carried by the brand they're attached to.
Penny especially is fucking hideous and wouldn't have any of the little fanart she does get if she were from Monster Rancher or some shit

Im gonna keep saying Waiting on Merunyaa at the moment and used another slot for Koharu instead

I should have said non-hag females.

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You know user, as much as I despise what you live for, I respect your consistency. I like to think we were friends in a past life.

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If i state I will do it. Simple as that and Penny just jumped out at me for ideas. I will dedicate my time till i get my ideas turned into reality.

I'm not saying Penny is hot, but calling her the most unfappable female in the series is a blatant lie.

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I would sooner fuck everyone in that image that an ugly bitch like Penny, and yes I'm counting Solrock and Smoochum

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Top 10 pictures taken before karmic justice.

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>I would sooner fuck everyone in that image that an ugly bitch like Penny
>and yes I'm counting Solrock and Smoochum
based, I guess

>characters from a popular franchise get more fanart and attention than ones from a dead franchise
Wow so insightful