How fucking retarded is this faggot?

So you're telling me throughout all these years of this fag being retired, he didn't have a match with ANYBODY whatsoever even though it would have definitely had helped A LOT, but he decides to have a match against fat pathetic waste of fucking life Kevin Owens? Wtf? Where the fuck was this faggot when Batista was pulling in ratings and ppv buys in 2005? Where the fuck was this faggot when Cena was bringing in ratings in 2006? What about putting over Brock which WOULD have made him into an even bigger star? If this isn't a slap in the face I don't know what is.

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Covid happened and he’s securing his future

Kevin Owens is probably the only person on the roster aside from AJ who can be trusted to make the match good and not murder Steve

Legitimately this

Saudi money is what changed. Goldberg came back and HBK unretired for it. Also stem cell treatment is a thing now, Edge was considered retired for 10 years

Be thankful user. 100% wwe would have used Corbs because of how safe he is had Owens not used the stunner.

Goldberg returned years before they started going to Saudi.

The only thing he put over was steve austin bsr american lager brother.

Capitalist 3:16

He didn't want to put anyone over

kek. You're a dumbass. Vince paid him like 50 million dollars. He's not going to say no to a huge payday. And he is almost 60.

Worked Vince one last time and showed him his product is dead as a fucking doornail

Because he didn't want to put anyone over, he's been cleared for over a decade. Owens is the only big enough mark to accept losing to a 57 year old man who's been retired for like 20 years because he grew up watching him.
Dude posted a video last night nearly crying about getting to be in the ring with Austin. None of those guys you listed would do that.

Stem cell treatment, this bald wife beating piece of trash was gonna have a match in 05 against the coach of all people until he bitched out because he wasn't going over, he stayed retired this entire time out of sheer "muh perfect retirement" narrative, imagine how much bigger guys like Batista, Cena, Lesnar, etc would have been if they worked with this fag, all he ever did was take and never gave anything back, but oh fat smark indie fag Kevin Owens is apparently ok, pathetic,this is why the buisness died

HBK is the only guy that unretired to do a muslim match, user.

He's the best there ever was or will be. Nobody ever touched the heights he did.

If he came back, he should have squashed every single one of them and deservedly so. Just listen to the crowd noise tonight. That's the bottom line.

they have billion dollar deals on now and are more desperate than ever for stars. hes gonna make 8 figures for a single match in saudi, watch.

To be fair, he's said he could do one more match for fucking years. Shit, he was supposed to wrestle Coach in 2005. He was hurt, but he could hit his spots for at least a match. He always made that clear.

Stem-cells treatments made it easier. A lot of NBA guys started doing it and then wrestlers got into it as well. He probably had a couple to help.

As for the people complaining he was in a shirt. Even towards his last run outside of his match with Rock, he was doing that. And it made sense for a No Holds Barred/ Street Fight gimmick.

transtista turned out to be a bitch.
Cena and Brock managed to make a name for themselves without Austin.

You're trying too hard

Sami could probably do it. There’s a reason why the celebs all work with him.

Fuck simp cuck.

Only match to come back to would have been him and punk when punk was at his height


With Bryan gone, Sami is the undisputed top talent in the company, and Owens has to be 2nd with Samoa Joe gone.
Maybe Seth is as good all around as Owens.. or Ziggler, without the It factor.

Cena is an anti draw faggot and never brought ratings, moving to USA in 2006 brought ratings. Batista didn't need an Austin match and was shaping up to be an actual draw until he got injured and demoted bc he wouldn't be vince's slave.