What is wrong with raising an arm?

What is wrong with raising an arm?

Attached: 279_Registeel.png (268x244, 5.53K)

Against the law in many countries

In 2 (two) countries, one of which is an absolute anti-white judaism abomination of a law since that's originally the salute of the men of its empire, not even related to hating subhumans, they just greeted like that. Ah le faggot society were you can't even move anymore, le freedom and le protection

I like that Registeel looked like a rebellious judeo golem, notice how all the censorships on pokemon is to protect some kind of nonwhite, even when the same inspiration for that pokemon is a literal jewish golem?

you have schizophrenia

"u-U HaVe SchIzoPhReNia, d-drUgS"
We already heard that retarded trannymerican

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No thanks, I'm not burning my brain out

>>spergs out everytime someone suggests he takes his meds regularly

You sound racist as fuck my dude

It's not "meds" retarded tranny, what are you curing, your "gender dysphoria"? It's called drugs that burn your faggot subhuman brain as if the various other sources of brain-burning and dma-deformibg tools you get in America weren't enough

You have schizophrenia.


It's not "schizophrenia", autismo, 1 out of 33 Americans have a DNA deformation.

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Yeah he does sound based as fuck

To censor everything for your whining race is quite the definition of racism. GAMEFREAK could have had any reason to have Registeel raise his arm, but whatever that could be is now gone forever due to anti-white laws and social prejudices

>anti-white laws

Are there Jews outside your house right now?
You should check that black car down the street.

Luckily I'm not american so we don't get kidnapped as children and abused our entire life like nothing.

Best post in/ vp/ at the moment

dont you ever call the regis kikes again fuck you nigger