Energy Prices: British Pub Owners Beg Boris Johnson For Relief

Energy Prices: British Pub Owners Beg Boris Johnson For Relief

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Russian disinfo agent, do not reply. Ukraine is winning.

Putin did this, trust us goy

Wasn't Boris kicked out? Was this another one of those Brexit situations where nothing will actually happen for 5 years

>£6 a pint
fuck 'em, no cunt can afford to drink now anyway.
Or afford to drink in pubs, that is.

>desperately appealing to the dead duck cunt currently using up his last months worth of holidays
Well played, beer & pub.

Hahahaha publicans are the funniest fuckers ever, they've had 10 years of boom and suddenly can't afford to fork out for ANYTHING since the pandemic. As soon as they got their reduced tax they were seething at the thought of having their tax to go back normal levels. Did they save any of this money? Nope. When there was a nationwide push to get people back in the pubs to have food subsidised by the tax payer, did they save any of these profits? Nope. All they do is spend on themselves and beg the government (read: taxpayer, you and I) to bail them out each time. The day pubs are reduced by 50% or more will be a great benefit to the British people in terms of health benefits and societal benefits.
>But I need the pub to be social reeee
Fucking grow up you manchild.

all of this is fake to nationalise energy production which I personally think is ok (for this and other utilities) but because it is stealing other peoples property we have to go through all this bullshit

You'll be one of the first ones to go when the war starts. Hope you choke on your food during lunch.

Tories are not gonna nationalise shit (unless failing bank) - BUT if they don't do anything, they'll be out in their arse soon anyway. Interesting Times.

you can mess with my freedom, you can mess with my life, but if you mess with the price of the pint i am moving to thailand

You dont need electricity at a pub. Just use candles and cardboard glasses.

Back to the pub you alcoholic loser.

Yeah, warm beer casks and a good punch-up to keep warm when needed. Old Skool.

Kek. This is why solar at an individual scale is important. They just print more pounds and euros to solve their energy problems.

well looks like russia has fucked us all lads. Maybe this will convince exploration into nuclear and solar now

>in the UK
yeah just cover your roof in solar panels for an extra 4kwh/year

that nigga resigned wtf?

>nooooo not le heckin puberinooooo

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They have a month-long jousting contest to replace him (that's still ongoing..) because stupid Tory fucks with 0 fucking awareness of 'Hello? CRISIS. HERE. NOW.'
They really should just be directly expelled for incompetency.

Blackrock will buy all the pubs dirt cheap, from 2023 onwards you'll only be able to rent pints of lager.

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take that putler. you will regret the day you decided to mess with us

That's about 11 a.m. outside, ffs.