What do?

What do?

Attached: Houndoomed.jpg (1191x588, 100.32K)

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Just buy another Pokewalker. I still have a Shaymin traped in my original.

insert it deeply into your anus and jerk off

Just transfer him to a new game? Then put another Pokémon there later.

You can't synch with a new game, I think

Correct. I believe it's tied to your Trainer ID. Perhaps if you could intercept the IR signal from the Pokewalker you could determine what ID you need and hack a save with it.

i hope houndoomschizo finds a way to bring his bro home

Pokewalkers are tied to region, trainer name, ID and secret ID. If you have any pokemon you migrated off that previous save file, you could extract that info, edit the current save file, then attempt again.

This is the only way, sadly

You already nuked his entire fucking universe, why are you squidging about him

You COULD attempt to RNG manipulate your info too if you're clinically insane

I have a Pokewalker somewhere. Never used it.

Anyway, anyone who deletes Pokemon instead of releasing the ones you don't want and transferring your bros to a home game they never reset is a heartless sociopath anyway and should have no problem wiping Houndoom.

Attached: 1637029727016.png (700x700, 222.83K)

Pokewalkers alone sell for a very good amount, because everybody is desperate to recover theirs now that new games are shit

really? I have an extra one somewhere should sell that shit


Pokewalker is better than the actual game. He's happier there than the Pokemon stuck in the game. It was a personal pokepelago.

>PokéWalker uses Pt sprites instead of HGSS sprites
WTF? I never knew this. Why?

The PokeWaller software probably started development before the sprites were finished so they just used the Pt sprites.

Interesting, I should find mine. I also have the SoulSilver box and manual in perfect condition, I'm sure I could get some dollars for those with the walker. Not selling my SoulSilver tho fuck you it's got all my bros from earlier gens too.


Just delete it and catch/breed a houndour. The first houndour you catch is your houndoom returning to you.