Kaka is back

Elite 4

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Oh so there is E4 this time around? Assumed there wasn't for some reason
>One of Gym leader's family 1
so like, in the same way Koga is E4 while Janine is GL

Oh yeah my favorite genders. Gym leader and teacher .

If the Gym Leader is a hint, that means the black lady is one of them. She was one of the leaked gym leaders earlier.

Ah yeah my favorite genders
Gym leader

My guess is that the E4 in the pic is the black haired lady. She looks too obviously like a Dark./Fighting type specialist to not be a battler
He said "gym leader's family", so the black lady in the OP pic might be her mother/sister rather than her herself.

is Carvell gonna be a villain

I’m happy we’re getting an actual Elite Four again this time. It was so fucking lame how Galar just recycled gym leaders for the finale, I don’t care what anybody says.

The tournament idea is cool in theory but in execution it didn’t really make much sense and just felt like an excuse to reuse characters and assets because they ran out of time.

>character leaks
I sleep

That's right, child its own gender.
If you like childs (You) are to be considered the same as liking troons

Black woman with white hair is clearly mother of the black dread gym leader.

>riddles and hints like we're 3 year olds

Christ, this fandom

user it's clear cut, there's no riddles there. this isn't khu.

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IIl have 1 child please, yes to go.

Seriously, I’m more interested in new Pokemon, not new characters

GF doesn’t help much either
3 new pokemons per trailer is basically nothing

Bara guy
This is the 8th gym leader we haven't seen pictured
no idea

Penny's not part of the league storyline it seems.

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I don’t think Kalos is supposed to be so small

Tf is this fag saying

As cool as Cetitan is, it and Fidough are not enough to hold me off for another 2 months until the next trailer

Nemona turns into a furry goddess