How to explain 2 years of NEEThood?

>Stopped working 2 years ago(in my 20s)
>Had enough savings from not consooming
>But I am running out of money in 2 months
>Need a job as quick as possible now
How do I go about it? Lie? Will they check? What to write in my CV?

I know I´m a retard for to doing stupid shit. But I want to change that now. My 2 years of doing nothing are over now.

Attached: curriculumvitae.png (514x511, 152.42K)

>Can you explain this 2 year gap on your resume?
>Yes, that is when I did not have a job.
Simple as.

Attached: 75e.png (303x309, 68.36K)

just say you had an i’ll grandmother and were acting as a caretaker

>What did you do in those 2 years??
>I played videogames,ate fast food and jerked off all day
Any ideas what to say? The truth is too ridiculous.

I hate that the employment gap question is even a thing. It's none of these faggots business what I was doing. As long as I can prove I have the skills and attitude for the job why should it matter?

Get a friend to be your "former boss" fill the gaps with your "former workplace" profit. I've done this for 20 years it works really well. You need a competent friend who will read the perfect script for your future employer.

Hope it works for you, user. Also, jannies are trannies

just say freelance or something. 2 years is nothing. My "gap" is 10 years.

because you dared to walk away from the wage cage, how dare you. you may walk away from OUR wage cage too.

Sounds good. Do you think they ask for documents? I did absolutely nothing in those 2 years. There is nothing there. I would have to fake it all.

Where do you live?

Say I was doing your mom, doing your mom, doing doing doing your mom.

If they get upset you wouldnt want to work for them anyway.

In Germany
>you may walk away from OUR wage cage too
That´s the problem. It is a legitimate concern for them and there is no way how to proof that I am not an idiot who will do this again. I learned that these past 2 years were a mistake. It won´t happen again. Because that feeling of running out of money is UTTER CANCER. Never again.

No one calls old jobs. References are obsolete mostly. Just take the last job you were at and extend the end date until recently.

I will do that if I can´t manage to fill something in. Thank you user.

we can't track you!! with the illusion of freedom and the security of prison you have no excuse to have to go unnoticed

Maybe if it's a super low tier wagie job. Any decent company is going to run it through a background check company that calls to confirm dates of employment and job titles.

>How to explain 2 years of NEEThood?

just lie. Lie shamelessly make up some job, even a shitty wagie one and have your friend as a reference. Say you made a bunch of crypto and had medical expenses or something

If you didn't know, Amazon has a crowdsourcing platform for "micro work", which are typically tasks that can be done over the Internet in a short amount of time that requires humans to do because AI isn't got enough yet.

It's called Amazon Mechanical Turk or "Mturk" for short. (Check the Reddit)

For example, it might show you a picture of a store receipt and ask you to copy (type) the data into a form on the page.

Typically, each task pays a few pennies, but if you do a bunch, it adds up quickly, and if you do enough, the platform will eventually allow you to access more complex tasks that pay a lot more.

I think mTurk is available in Germany now.

You can put "Amazon - Independent Contractor - Crowdsourcing Work (Data Entry)" on your resume to fill in the gap.

If they ask, tell them you were doing data entry and transcription for various companies through the platform as an independent contractor.

>read the perfect script
I don't think you even need this. 'Why yes, this is the boss of Hentai and Doujin Imports. Yes we hired user between Jan 2020 and August 2022. Sorry I can't say any more than that.' If they ask more and the old employer says anything I believe you can sue the old employer.

Just lie
>don't lie
>>sorry user but you were a neet and probably a virgin too
>either get the job, or sorry user we figured you out
Either way you're fucked so just pull a little con on an HR tranny and let's get this fucking money

>super low tier wagie job
I don´t plan on going for a much "higher tier" job since I will not enter the same industry again.

Sounds great. I´ll look into this.

Just throw whatever in it. Nobody will bother to check if it's real or not unless you're applying to google or something.

>jacked off all day
>ID = qoo0O0M