I patiently waited for the 3 days ban to expire just to say this

a board of gullible mongoloids

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Dude I get b& every day I just switch IP’s and clear cookies

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Any Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have posted a picture of a green cartoon frog when posting, but the frog has nothing to do with the content of your post! Whoops! You should always remember to only post frogs when they are relevant to your post. Posting frogs randomly, when they are not relevant, is poor form. And you should always use a name in the Name field. Otherwise your post shows up as "Anonymous".

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the 4channel culture!

omg why were you banned

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surely u do other thing with ur life r right?

A board of handsome frogs

Attached: 1641229202825.png (1580x1452, 1.07M)

should Any Forums be named /frog/

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Kek based


make sure you insult the jannies first in the appeal. I always say things like "you will never be a woman"

this will hurt them a lot


Fucking based i never thought about that

I got banned for a day on Any Forums for making fun of circumcised whites

which board user

Hi John. I'm Natalie and you're going to fuck me in the ass today!

Once a day? Those a rookie numbers son.

biz, business & finance

faggot jannies took a break but looks like theyre banning everyone not talking about chainlink again

fuck i hate this place sometimes imagine actually moderating Any Forums like a faggot xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

how is this thread still up but when I post I get banned