tits > ass
If you think otherwise you aren’t white
tits > ass
If you think otherwise you aren’t white
you must be 16. Ass is all life
best thread on Any Forums rn
Post hand
Who cares about tits when she has a monumental ass to fuck
For the most part I agree because ass doesn’t feel nearly as good to grope as tits do
OP has never had a redhead PAWG pulverize his pelvis reverse cowgirl.
>you'll get there champ
Poop comes from there
Nigger detected.
>being more attracted to reproductive organs than a giant sack of fat that literal shit falls out of
Congrats op, you're white
girls don't poop retards
And that's a good thing
there's so much going on here.
No wonder whites have extremely low birthrates
Black men love ass, they also have higher rates of homosexual behavior…coincidence?
you are brainwashed and probably have parasites.
>reproductive organs
Ass > Calves > Tits
white = gay
as a guy with a german gf, I agree