Tits > ass

tits > ass

If you think otherwise you aren’t white

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you must be 16. Ass is all life


best thread on Any Forums rn

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Post hand

Who cares about tits when she has a monumental ass to fuck

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For the most part I agree because ass doesn’t feel nearly as good to grope as tits do

OP has never had a redhead PAWG pulverize his pelvis reverse cowgirl.
>you'll get there champ


Poop comes from there

Nigger detected.

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>being more attracted to reproductive organs than a giant sack of fat that literal shit falls out of
Congrats op, you're white

girls don't poop retards

And that's a good thing

there's so much going on here.

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No wonder whites have extremely low birthrates

Black men love ass, they also have higher rates of homosexual behavior…coincidence?

you are brainwashed and probably have parasites.

>reproductive organs

Ass > Calves > Tits

white = gay

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as a guy with a german gf, I agree