I have on dream and I'm poor

Its to buy a motorcycle and not having to walk everytime I go to the grocery which is 10km+ walking
I'm tired of this
why Why? Should I just kms rn as we speak?
It cost only $200 usd and I don't have it, that's how poor I am..
Jannies do not delete or I kms in the spot, you heard me?

What should I do you guys?

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I have one dream*

Get a job

real thread:

What country do you live in? What's the average wage in your village? Do you pay rent or live with your parents?

His thread is a copycat of mine, look at the time I posted and then the one he posted. dummy.

Where r u from? im from a socialist country and here are very commonplace these kind of motorbikes, cant you get a loan for buying it or at least for getting a percentage of the full price?

I pay rent yes, live in south america, average wage here is around $200 usd..
I live with another 5 people in the house

I actually can get a loan but how am I going to pay it for god's sake? but that's not a bad idea at all.. Do you know any method to make money on the net?

Why don't all people in the house chip in for the bike? You can get groceries for the house and pay them back the 40 dollars each person.

Because they don't work.. it's my mom and my 4 little brothers.. and they don't work, inclusive one has syndrome of down and each month I have to buy some sort of medication for him which cost $30 usd(thats alot)
Then I have to pay rent and buy food, I'm literally a modern slave
I have though about everything already even leaving them or something but it's very fucked up to do..

Post your IRL address not your eth one, because I know this is a begging paki thread.

Sidenote a paki clerk I knew well was shot last night by a nigger around 11pm last I heard was in critical condition, one of your brothers made it to this country just to be shot by a nigger.

Why would I post my IRL address?
And no I'm not begging it's anti-rules of this website, dummy..
Really I don't care if somebody give it to me or not I will kms anyway I'm tired of this existence.
And good luck to the paki I bet he is happier than me now..

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You dumb fucking ESL he was shot and still alive, possibly dead or dying if he was only shot once then it had to be the head/chest area to be put into that condition.

Also "anti-rules"
Get the fuck off this board.

shut up cracker.


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You so butthurt that you lack argument. all you got is some infantile overrated wojack image. I feel bad for you, autistic.

200 usd per week?

per month my guy lol
thats how bad it is..

It's a joke retard

SEAmonkey detected

yea i have a SA gf i know the struggle. where in SA are you?