You know what the real mind fuck is? If you borrowed 320k and invested it for 30 years at 5% you’d earn 1.05m in 30 years.
Wyatt Ross
The house is gonna be worth at least $1 million within 15 years. Sounds like a good deal to me. You're obviously a salty rentcuck larping as a homeowner
>He thinks past performance guarantees future returns
James Nguyen
320k / 30 is barely over 10k a year. That’s how much you “throw away” in interest, plus property tax and maintenance. This doesn’t include the fact you can deduct interest from your income during tax filing and that homes will almost always appreciate.
Lucas Allen
Fuck it, I should just buy this on .33acres and call it good.
Yes, the retardation of boomers, and americans in general, is so staggering that having any semblance of a soul renders you completely unable to comprehend it.
Adrian Edwards
This is what happens when jews run your country
Gavin Allen
Probably. A house like that with no perceivable foundation issues from looking at the ceiling CANT be terrible
Justin Morris
Are issues with the ceiling indicative of foundation problems?
Aiden Martin
>What the fuck? The interest is the same as the fucking loan? No it's not. Because in 30 years $300k won't buy you a loaf of bread.
Bentley Hughes
>pay 800k for house that might or might not be 1mil in 15 years.
Jack Anderson
And when you let them set up an international banking cartel. Debt is the lifeblood of the Jewish parasite
Nicholas Smith
you realize rent right now is $2000+ and your interest is only $1333
also home will appreciate and you can always sell it
Ian Price
It’s not acceptable at all. Pass down homes to your children, and if they try to pass laws to take the homes from them, kill them for trying to make your kids homeless.
Samuel Smith
You misunderstand. He pays a total of 1,717.83, and 1,333... of that is all interest. Not to mention maintenance costs for a $320k house that is probably 30+ yrs old and will definitely have major repairs that could cost thousands.
Additional costs for property insurance(some $120+), prop. tax ($250) and some random jewery
Daniel Lopez
$1333 is still better than $2000 ($720k over 30 years). Additionally, rent will most likely increase with inflation, while the interest payments decrease in both nominal and real terms. He would easily save $500k in 2052 dollars.
Christian Parker
Generally. As the house settles over time, cracks in walls and ceilings show up. It’s inevitable to some degree, but those non-popcorn ceilings look pretty legit
I would expect some shoddy plumbing repairs or maybe even a fuse box in a house of that age