>twitter.com/psychedelic_gg Also kek the actual state of this, a literal who posting videos of default unity assets and rigging
>fully onchain inside a 8GB smart contract Putting 8GB worth of assets on-chain is literally retarded, and can only be achieved through massive centralization. This is where the block size and node validator use concerns arrive, and why every chain designed to at least be more subtle in how they scam people follows spurious dragon's 24kb filesize limit with other assets linked off-chain.
Running it directly on-chain also means that every node validator would need to run a dedicated game server for anything operating on there, and that work cannot be sharded while remaining synced. This is why actual engineers just write for validation logic on-chain and don't design for games that require about $8k in gas fees per minute per user even with an endlessly dumped gas token.
brainlets ngmi, study basic cs if you dont want to fall for such obvious scams in the future
dude you have no idea what you're talking about. You're literally just making shit up to convince yourself that your bags aren't becoming irrelevant
Tyler Bell
>Putting 8GB worth of assets on-chain is literally retarded Because why? It's the cheapest place to hold them on the IC.
>This is why actual engineers just write for validation logic on-chain and don't design for games that require about $8k in gas fees per minute per user even with an endlessly dumped gas token.
Of course they don't - they couldn't actually do it before the IC. And lol at you making up gas fees for users in a reverse gas model chain.
>validator would need to run a dedicated game server Infinitely scalable. This is a world computer. And you're making shit up again.
Get ready for more and more of ICP ass raping your bullshit crab game chain every single day with it's tech. You're years behind and will never catch up. Go play with crabs on your "subnet" faggot
Adrian Wilson
>3D games are coming to ICP, fully onchain inside a 8GB smart contract, playable from the browser. why?
This just sounds like someone in denial. Post your stack and I guarantee icp shits on every single one
Brandon Rodriguez
>the IC. >Infinitely scalable >world computer >genuinely believes the Internet Computer is not just a regular computer with "Internet" stuck on the front
kek it's like we're living among all the dot com scam companies again, except even retail can get raped for being retarded this time. Don't worry, I'm sure once the healthy -99.78% retracement from dumped VC bags eases up, everyone will look like an idiot for not wanting a blockchain to hold 8GB worth of assets in a smart contract to play unity webgl games
>doesnt refute anything stated Mentions price >Doesnt understand the manipulation performed by exchanges days prior to the main release. >Doesnt know about the libel posted against it upon release Come on show your stack user.
Cameron Bell
Whatever shit chain you are in will go bankrupt from aws server costs. Will probably have to go to the internet computer to stay alive.
Don't worry, we'll let your lesser tech run for a while longer until the canisters run out of cycles and never get restored and it's gone forever.
Josiah Garcia
you're arguing with an icpchad. its futile because he will just keep using logical fallacies and pilpul to troll you.
Levi Myers
>brainlets ngmi, study basic cs if you dont want to fall for such obvious scams in the future you're stuck in the 2010s LOL tech changes you fucking retard blockchains are slow, blockchains cant scale, blockchains cant store data, etc. you sound like a boomer look at what dfinity actually does it took me 15 months to actually realize what they're doing its the new stack, you'll see in the next 5-10 years
Aaron Murphy
Daily reminder VCs bought ICP at 3 cents and soon that's all ICP will be worth.
Isaiah Hill
they're busy scamming people with nfts or losing money shorting