I just realized that under socialism women wouldn’t have any reason to get with betabux since the state is their beta provider. Is this the real reason why so many men love capitalism?
I just realized that under socialism women wouldn’t have any reason to get with betabux since the state is their beta...
a bot made this thread
The state is already their beta provider right now
Another demoralization thread. he is behind these?
yes, he is
how did you know?
>He doesn't realize we're already under socialism
but reddit told me we were under "late stage capitalism" ?
isn't "capitalism" when you have 50% taxes 20% inflation and 2^255 regulations ?
>state is their beta provider
Socialism is stateless.
Communism I mean
Private ownership of capital is legal, dumbass.
Communism is stateless.
What's the difference? We have the worst of both worlds and everything is psyopped under a different label
>Socialism is stateless
I personally, and millions of others, dont consent to not being able to engage in free trade and division of labour, so you would need an authoritarian police state to enforce your fantasy utopia.
Socialism IS de facto an authoritarian ideology. whereas capitalism is anti-authoritarian
>>I personally, and millions of others, dont consent to not being able to engage in free trade and division of labour, so you would need an authoritarian police state to enforce your fantasy utopia.
You have it backwards. You need an authoritarian police state to impose and enforce private property rights.
Women are literally socialist in the streets, libertarian in the sheets.
>You need an authoritarian police state to impose and enforce private property rights.
Thats the stupidest thing I ever heard. Under socialism, I would have you put to death, right wing retard.
This, i can't believe how mentally fucked OP is.
Actually, I just need a gun.
Guess which system needs more authority just to redistribute stuff, you brainlet.
Your opinions are both disregarded but I'm stealing this .jpg. Btw both capitalism and socialism are gay. The nigger stealing is the closest to the only true economic system that is correct: raw abusive force.
Get filtered by evolution faggot, there's a reason the slave race is unwanted everywhere except for manual work and decadent welfare based societies.
"Real men" will always have genetic reproductive interest by women, even if they're satiated by beta bux (government or human beta based)
As the guy who has fucked wives and cucked guys I don't give a shit. I also don't give a shit if it offends any of your sensibilities. You betas better be careful I don't give your potential tradwives any better ideas lmao.