>tax cuts strengthen the free market
I refuse to believe this is a real person
>Canceling debt causes inflation
That is one retarded migapede bootlicker
>cancelling debt causes inflation
When you cancel it by paying off the debtors with freshly printed $$$ then it does yeah
He's right and nothing you can say in your little discord will change that
yes, many socialists dont understand the difference between investment and consumption
its why you people turn countries to ruin
and its why you should never ever have power
cancelling debt frees up cash flow which stimulates the economy and creates jobs by means of increased demand. it's an example of trickle down economics as per ronald reaganstein.
You dumbfucks have been saying this for decades, still waiting for that trickle.
Dude would beat the shit out of the soi faggot. Your reality collapses outaide5 of your bubble and you know it faggot. Shut the fuck up already it's pathetic.
>When you cancel it by paying off the debtors with freshly printed $$$ then it does yeah
If that's what this is, then yes.
But that's not what this is.
This is debt forgiveness by the lenders ... no handout money is being sent to the debtors.
>not taxing as much, creates more money
>not collecting on a debt, creates more money
better sign up for the olympics! The mental gymnastics here are quite impressive
Migapedes have been being assaulted and beaten on the streets since 2016 and have done nothing lol, also I like how you just presume to know me when I'm not on any 'political side' in that zog shithole known as the USA. I'm not even fucking from there, thank god.
Opinion not even read, they always lie.
>Dude would beat the shit out of the soi faggot. Your reality collapses outaide5 of your bubble and you know it faggot. Shut the fuck up already it's pathetic
>visibly fat middle aged boomer
yeah good luck with that lmao
Literal nigger logic.
based shane
They cancelled the average amount of interest accumulated since the student loan payments became optional. We the taxpayer cosigned the repayment of federally backed student loans.
That fat fuck wouldn't last 1 punch from my National Socialist boxing ass.
this debt is particular was paid through taxes no extra money was printed retards.
Debt cancelation is wealth redistribution.
Taxation is theft, so tax cuts are reducing theft. Stealing less is not the same as giving handouts.
>Shane's face
Lmao holy shit it'a literally like the memes
How do you cancel debt? The government took on the debt from the students. The paranoid schizophrenic wing of the Republican Party hasn’t analyzed this one in much depth
The migapede is right