So the SIGA dump and fud are based on the WHO's statement that cases are down 21%, and you guys believe it? Meanwhile, cases detected in 10 universities, and a bunch of elementary school kids are testing positive. This is clearly a fake dump to trigger stop losses.
Are you FUD testing or do you actually have money still in SIGA rn (right now)?
Oliver Young
>and you guys believe it? I do not actually, no. I just want it to dump more so I can buy back in as cheap as possible. It will be at $30 within two months.
Benjamin Anderson
Cases are down 21% outside the US. While here they're still going up I believe.
Caleb Turner
I still have a LOT in SIGA and I think it's gon go up once Mpox starts permanently maiming young, non-white kids.
Leo Thompson
NAC, N-acetyl cysteine. Fair warning, makes you emotionally flat and nothing fun, but also has great health benefits and works excellently for anxiety. Cheap, and it's just an amino acid. Will also give you the most rancid farts imaginable, they smell like sulfurous death.
Grayson Phillips
So funny this dude is a cyber security wizard and the feds truly can’t figure him out (outside of when he went to prison in Mexico kek) I miss the live videos of him stoned to the bone in a room covered in tinfoil so no signals can get in/out of his place
Cooper Hughes
SQQQ right after powells speech or before markets close?
I bought in at $12, my stop loss is at $14. I haven't sold any of my shares because I don't think monkepox is close to being over. NTI isn't off the table. Look at picrel. The country with the worst outcome should have about 10k cases by Sept 2022. The US is pushing 17k cases right now
>one-off molestation cases Did you miss the news about the Georgia elementary students? They've been back to school for a couple weeks and there are already outbreaks >Elementary student tests positive for monkepox; 2nd student being tested, district says
this penny stonks dont really trade on fundamentals at ALL. it's tecnical and short squeezes etc. dont pay too much attention to fundamental news that would be like the easiest mistake
>because I don't think monkepox is close to being over. Well I don't know what to tell you. It is and other people are realizing that, hitting their own exits and stop losses.
If you really believe NTI is a thing (I don't, it's a schizo freakout at bored elites gaming things out and jerking each other off), you should remember that globalist plans can fall to shit just like anybody else's. For example, according to the Plans, They want 1-10% mortality. That orders of magnitude away from what their "nefariously GOF'd strain" can do.
I'm still moderately bullish on siga but is 1 with a possibility of 2 really an outbreak....
Justin Butler
>There's been a few cases of Pox in schools
OMG siga must triple in market cap due to this! Its over. Momentum is gone. Wake up.
Henry Morgan
I warned you, bro. I warned you about Jewish/journalist phrasing tricks!
Treat fearmongerers, stock shills, and lawyers the same - assume they lie by omission and weasel wording at every opportunity.
Your first exercise is those Georgia schoolchildren articles. Report back with what you've realize when you reread them.
Alexander Perez
People, even smart ones like Shkreli, got caught out thinking SIGA is a pennystock (omg, biotech! Awaiting FDA approval! Mooning price!). But it's a legit solid business. You just gotta adjust its fundamentals based on how mpox plays out. Only then do you sprinkle sentiment/memes/reddit buyin on top.
Alexander Morris
How'd I end up like this man? Just getting drunk alone at 5pm on a Thursday.. chasing dopamine hits from short dated options. No reason to live just chasing highs and trying to coom until I die.. and I don't even enjoy the rush that much anymore and after it's over I'm just alone and in my head again. Too much of a pussy to kill myself I guess.