I can see a purple shade in a couple of veins on my erection
(lunchads know why I have an erection)
I can see a purple shade in a couple of veins on my erection
(lunchads know why I have an erection)
Other urls found in this thread:
first dubs checked
blessed be his name
binance hot wallet accumulating billions of LUNC
Praise kek, fren, Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
kek look at how coy these fags are
there really are big players trying to minimize word on LUNC's revival until normies are priced out
it has been written. checked and blessed. $1 eoy. wagmi.
spoonfeed me on the merge/repeg theory
Within Cells
I have pinned my life to LUNC.
Don't fail us now CZ.
>LUNk id
fpbp. wagmi bros
forgot image
I believe in God, the father the almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one lord Jesus Christ, his only son our Lord. Born of the Father before all ages.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the lord, the giver of GAINSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Been here since the beginning, and I'll be here in the end. Ave Saturnus.
Anything you want to tell us, user?
First post, checked post.
they will do it and we the faithful shall be rewarded, but you didn't hear it from me...
gotta love when a news organization can't investigate why news happens
I have 1,3m lunc, I will make it bros?
so this is what being right feels like
Anytime I see we've pumped I say "we're all gonna make it" out loud. People give me weird looks but I have to contribute some schizo magic
this ID gmi
>25% pump in 24h just with shitty staking news
What is going to happen when they enabled the burn next month lunc sisters?
>"News" organization
It's all propaganda, bro. My boomer father in law lives to read the fucking "Journal" (WSJ). My wife and I nod respectfully, but we know it's all full of shit. Entertainment for boomer tier retards who made money during the easiest economic period in American history.
Meanwhile, he tells me I better not be investing crypto.
did the article say anything about burn tax, staking, etc?
Link this.
Verification not required.
why is CZ suddenly allowing LUNC to shoot up, shouldn't he be bringing it back to .0001 before the burn tax is ready?
>Anything you want to tell us, user?
check again. it’s zero Sold.
How does 1.3 mil sound bud? Enough to get some things going in life eh?
Amen, brother.
i with you, user. let's enjoy this ride together.
click the wallet link next to binance hot wallet
from the last thread
Based. We will remember this day. The day that hardened our dicks and our resolve to ride this motherfucker to generational wealth.
We are gonna fucking make it. Gargle my balls, fud fags.
What're you gonna do with your millions, anons? For me, it's buying a house or two and living off the passive income, and shitposting for the rest of my life with you guys.
I will never have to work again if this happens to be honest, I will live from some investments that I will do with it
I will buy agricultural land.
Buying land in the mountains, pursuing infectious disease academics, permaculture, lots of guns, and a family.
House improvements and income. Maybe a small vacation house.
I will buy out gook moot
You lost your magic fren. Checked
Look at all these dubs
i'll fix up my E36 and drive around with the top down
nope kek
>pay off all denbts
>buy a new (used) car
>fuck off to the middle of nowhere
>buy some land
>minecraft irl.jpeg
Rate my plan.
I’d like to get my ppl and my own plane to fly around in :)
Lunchads we rise!
Based and diamond hands ID pulled
Setting some funds for my family, but I'm getting out of Brazil.
>get my dream crypto portfolio @ $150k
>dividend stocks for passive income @ $1.5 - 2MM
>buy a house @ $1.5MM+
>comfortably start my creative career