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I'm tired of being treated like cattle by HR departments
Hudson Rodriguez
Jackson Davis
Have you ever considered starting your own business?
Cooper Scott
You don't need a boss to generate income.
Dylan Edwards
>be cattle
>why am I treated like cattle?
Bentley Parker
Become HR not kidding, HR pays themselves more then the normal wagies while working the least.
Robert Wright
>just start your own business bro lmao
it's not that simple
Charles Lewis
Having the ability to think outside of the scope of wageslaving will help you grow as a person financially
Carter Smith
Well then give me something to wet by beak with here, lets hear some ideas.
Wyatt Moore
HR is reserved for only roastie bitches in most companies
Brody Young
You gotta meet me in the middle What are some things you can see yourself doing?
Oliver Brown
water bottles but they are collapsible like you're camping.
Kevin Gutierrez
You're probably an amerimutt, in which case they are right to treat you that way
Tyler White
When the HR ladies are older women with husbands and such they're nice. When they are younger with that battleaxe prohibition era stocky looks like an actual cow physiognomy it is very not fun.
Gabriel Johnson
you don't have a name, you are just wagie number x
David Lopez
i agree older women (55 +) have always been nicer to me than younger. I think the worst age is around the 30s to 40s, 40s being the absolute worst.
Ryder Walker
Used to work in accounting, now I work in HR making 90k and am 1 promotion away from making 6 figs. Very comfy job. HR haters can suck my juicy, shiny cock.
Carson Davis
thanks shithead
im already talking to chang for production
Dominic Reed
i work in accounting making $100k. ive thought about coping and doing the technical recruiting meme, but im not sure if my social skills are up to par.
Tyler Turner
How’s it feel to be gay for less than six figures
Isaiah Parker
God I wish office women treated me like cattle
Alexander White
Had an interview yesterday and another tomorrow. I’m nervous bros