Firn protocol absolutes mogs monero
>lower fees
>on ETH
>now allows contract interaction (using uniswap anonymously etc)
Will monero ever recover??
Firn protocol absolutes mogs monero
>lower fees
>on ETH
>now allows contract interaction (using uniswap anonymously etc)
Will monero ever recover??
Privacy on steroids my dude
its not your alt that renders monero obsolete,
its zero-knowledge proofs being available natively on ethereum that killed monero
>on ETH
>on ETH
so they can just sanction it like with tornado?
FIRNs zkp is first of its kind and revolutionary, arbitrary amounts, high speed, super high level privacy.
No zksnarks bullshit, this is the holy grail, anonymous zether
It's eth on optimism, so fees are like 1 cent
this is legit, ZKPs on ETH is 100x more powerful than Monero or Zcash will ever be.
don't jinx it
where do i buy ser
On uniswap v3 on optimism
Token contract is 0xb20d84ebFeCdC6821448C7094564a039F0AE5EA4
>better privacy
>more functionality
>don't need a VPN to buy or use
Saddest shill thread I've ever seen.
well, and more importantly, exchanges can't delist it. that's why this tech is so powerful. and why the feds find it so dangerous. notice that OFAC went straight for Tornado—they didn't sanction Monero.
>Monero pleb detected
What's wrong did your mom forget to refill your mountain dew cooler this morning?
>same image posted in /XMR/
>don't need a VPN to buy or use
That's a red flag you fucking fag.
while i'm not sure what OP was going for here, generally there's no reason _not_ to use a VPN, and these protocols don't know or care whether you're using one or not.
You should use a VPN always, but unlike monero you can buy in on any exchange in the US, instead of setting up a huobi account or some shit
i see, you mean you don't need to use non-US exchanges to acquire the currency, since it's just ETH at the end of the day and you can do whatever you want with your own ETH.