I own a basic house, drive a fairly nice but nothing crazy car (Tesla), have a few hobbies (target shooting, camping, trail running), and I don’t even date women or have a family. Yet to have all this it costs over 5k a month.
Living is really expensive
Not sure if trolling or serious. How much is your salary? No one making under 200k should be buying a car priced between $45-60K. Insurance probably fucks you too, how much do you pay per month on that shit?
target shooting uses ammo, ammo is expensive. You are setting money on fire with this hobby.
Finally, what are your house costs like (mortage, insurance, etc)?
Pic rel
Hmm not sure OP. Why do you not itemize your expenses and first delete all the crap that is unnecessary and then reduce everything else by thinking of alternatives.
Jesus that's a hell of a mortgage payment. I'm assuming you bought a house in the $350K range. That's a hell of a loan on 1 income.
That car will fuck you over. I love Teslas, they are cool. But if it starts breaking out of warranty , the repair costs will bleed you dry. Cars are also a money pit, would aim at a max of $400 monthly payment for some used sedan. Never heard of car property tax, do you pay this monthly?
Misc costs are a bit high, I'm a miser though. My hobbies are cheap and I rarely buy furniture.
I’m pretty close to you, but my mortgage is 2.2k and car payment is 300
I spend about 4K a month including credit card payments
>car payment 50% of your mortgage
>$160 electric AND $72 month natural gas???
>$50 water???
>$185 shooting
>$500 "random house purchases"
>$250 "hobby purchases"
you're a consoomer. not that you can't be a consoomer, just don't pretend you're anything but a consoomer.
Yes I pay a semi annual personal property tax on my car, annual amount is 5% of value. It’s very very gay. About 2k a year. Still better than where I came from where I would be paying an additional 10k a year in income tax.
Not really I live in a duplex, haven't paid my water or lights in months since losing a job.
Haven't had water or lights in those said months.
I barely eat and I just drink coffee.
My expenses consist mostly of cigarettes and coffee.
My life fucking sucks and I barely make enough money to survive working full time.
But it's only expensive to you because you have a lot of toys.
stop being poor.
>$500 on gadgets
>more than $0 on alcohol
>$200 on restaurants
>that fucking car payment
> car property tax
what is is this?
Holy shit I forgot to pay my car property tax.
water fu?
we pay 1-2% of the cars value in tax every year depending on the state
200 on restaurants isn’t that much, I fucking hate cooking on weekdays and packing food for work lunches so it saves me time.
The house gadgets thing is because my house isn’t fully furnished and I still need to buy more furniture so I’m gradually buying stuff. For example I need to buy a car vacuum, maybe a new house vacuum since mine is a shitty $100 hoover that’s 5 yrs old. I recently bought a $70 coffee machine and a new coffee table that ran me $250 which isn’t that crazy. I don’t want cheap goodwill shit, I’m a grown 29 year old man not in college anymore, so having a house that looks like an actual adult lives there costs money.
The car payment, yeah it’s a lot but I don’t want to wait until I’m a crusty 65 year old boomer to buy a cool car. Having a decently nice car is important in your 20’s. You should drive a nice car when you’re young and a boring car when you’re old IMO, not the other way around
>You should drive a nice car when you’re young and a boring car when you’re old IMO, not the other way around
>what is compound interest
Your average Tesla driver, folks.
>muh compound interest
Midwit take. Money doesn’t matter when your old except having the minimum amount to sustain your old husk of a body. When you’re 70 it won’t matter if you have 3 million or 30 million
You’re old*
I just showed you I'm going to stop working at 34 and will be able to jack off from 34 until I die, all of those prime years of not working. The "don't want millions when my dick doesn't work" is pure cope for the fact you will have to work all your life now because you decided to buy a fucking Tesla and an expensive house instead of eth or buttcorn. You could have this too if you just listened to all of us. Keep slaving loser
how is your yearly spending so low?
also, 8% stock returns every year is highly optimistic
If I hadn’t bought the car I would have put this mostly into boomer index funds getting 7%. I don’t take crypto seriously, it’s a casino for retards although I did profit a modest 50k from it. I used to be like you wanting to retire asap being frugal and shit but I realized I like making money more and every year my income goes up and up. For me the ideal is a balance between luxury and financial security, people act like you can only have one or the other. I still save 70% of my post tax income btw
>Car property tax
what kind of shithole country are you from?
Richmond Virginia