lmao imagine living like a monk, working two jobs besides attending classes, having zero social life, zero friends, zero sex, zero life defining experiences of freedom, denying yourself basic comfort and pleasures, couting every penny so that you can pay off your loans and be debt free, looking enviously at your peers partying, fucking, having adventures and time of their life but convincing yourself youre the responsible one, the forward thinking one, the economically sound one that will eventually come on top in a few years because you've paid off your debt
but then uncle Joe waves his magic stick and all those chads and stacies who networked and migled all through college and had better careers than you suddenly dont have this debt either and they didnt have to do anything. LMAO imagien that. id literally implode from sheer desnity if butthurt. america is a funny country for sure
Lmao imagine living like a monk, working two jobs besides attending classes, having zero social life, zero friends...
Usually the peers that party and shit seethe and cope at rich dudes like me who invested their money instead of wasting it on hedonism and materialism
What a cuck loser. I hate conservatives because they're so idiotically opposed to the concept of free money (peak utopian capitalism). We need more stimulus cheques.
Paying off student loans is for morons.
I feel bad for people who aren't paying attention to what is happening in the world around them. The next few decades are not going to be kind to people who still think we live in a fair world where everyone gets what's coming to them. Get fucking smart.
>who still think we live in a fair world where everyone gets what's coming to them
What kind of a world is it gonna be then?
Why the fuck would you pay off anything but the bare minimum on a federal loan that you can't discharge via bankruptcy?
Why the fuck would you pay off a loan that hasn't accrued interest since covid started?
Why the fuck would you pay off a loan in a highly inflated economy instead of just letting inflation take care of it?
Some people are just born to be good goys I guess.
We are in the looting phase of civilization, act and plan accordingly. The writing was on the wall that the student loan shit was unsustainable and was going to get forgiven at some point. If you couldn't see it coming and actually paid your loans like a retard then you deserve. NO refunds
retard faggot actually paid off his 0 interest government backed loans instead of deferring it and waiting for the government to forgive it like anyone with a triple digit IQ did. Loan chads stay winning
The gop constantly gives out billions to rich kikes. Anyone who falls for this kabuki theater shit is not gonna make it and is doomed to be cattle for the rest of their life.
Jesus lord above what raging teenage aspie did they hire to run the Texas GOP twitter acc?
Republicans need to fucking decouple from social media instead of fighting this permanent uphill battle on the left’s own territory.
im not readin all that shit
This. They gave about 6 trillion over the last two years to business owners. But educated workers got $1200
What will it take for retards like OP image to realise they're playing in a rigged jewish system? Playing by the rules and contributing to the system is a shit idea, because the system is designed to fucking genocide you.
See maybe I’d be more apt to the part lifestyle, but I don’t want to be around nasty niggers and stinky spics always trying to fight me. If it was only white people, I’d certainly be more welcoming of that sort of shit, but until then I’m prepping, fuck em.
Chuds angry because they wasted their time on something that would eventually sort itself out
Bot post
Room temperature iq handling money.
damn. if only life were fair :'(