Who is pumping this shit?

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smart people and retards

Any LUNCers here able to say if it'll go back to 0.00010000 or will it just hover at around 0.00012000 from now on? I want to slurp more.

We were hovering around 0.00008 for ages lol now you want to buy?

quintessential cup and handle

Wouldn’t be surprised if it floated back down to 10. Been holding since it about bottomed out a few months ago, seen this pump before

Scam pump very likely. This coin tends to have scam wicks up and down. Should dump back again but it’s a good swing coin

it reached very high for one second on kraken, then went down a large amount, I thought it was the big pump for a second

LUNChads... Is it starting?

Looks more like a gravy boat, or aladdin's lamp

>Who is pumping this shit?
Pumping? Zoom out. In three months we didn't hit 0.0002. And biztards are expecting $1. The absolute state.

Just waiting until it knocks off another 0

who indeed

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Always buy the top

what DEX do i buy this on? Uniswap seems to be fucked

TD Ameritrade, robinhood, etc.

Liquidity bottleneck. Means some big players are trying to hoover up cheapies and didn't realise how few sell orders there are at this price point.

who cares honestly and why are we still giving this money grab coin attention? i mean even the top terra developers are contacting matic's team to migrate their platforms and projects to the polygon network


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There's big news today with Binance adopting the burn update, it's not just a random pump.

It could be you, what's the hold up?

CZ is zipping up the wallet to throw it in the fire.

I got shib and want to switch to LUNC whats the best way to swap?

If you faggots think it's going to $1 why does a couple of micro cents matter?