How do I cope knowing I'll never get to fuck my oneitis
How do I cope knowing I'll never get to fuck my oneitis
by understanding that if you had fucked her, it would have been pathetic. if a girl is your "oneitis" it means you're not man enough to take her.
I fucked mine after 4 years of being friends with benefits except with no benefits, and yes, I'd feel bad if I didn't put my penis in her vagina but it wasn't even good sex. Suppose you have sex with yours, you get and orgasm, five minutes passes and it's all already memory of a sensation, everything is in the past now and you may even feel like it didn't happened at all. I still think occasionally of my oneitis, though. It's been like 5 years now.
you should kill yourself now
You will never taste her ass
Why even live?
Just remind yourself that she takes nasty stinky shits and has foul morning breath
Your what now? You sound like a cuck raised by Christianity.
Honestly just actively stop thinking about it. Stop sustaining that thought process. You can't think it better.
You go a few years without seeing her, work on yourself and then when you look back you wonder what in the fuck you were thinking.
It gets better over 30, you'll hopefully have some career success while you can track them down on social media to see they all get wall'd hard. Then you go back to dating women in their 20s or professionals in their 30s.
I fucked mine years later and it was underwhelming
Also I think she might have given me HPV
OP here
>you go a few years without seeing her, work on yourself and then when you look back you wonder what in the fuck you were thinking.
It's been close to 3 years that I haven't seen her. I got fit in the time, achieved 99 percentile nw for my age group, did a complete 180 on my personality and I still can't fucking get her off my mind. I've never met a woman better than her and it pains me to no end that I can't have her. I had my shot and I fucking blew it so hard. I haven't talked to her since and despite everything I can't go a day without thinking about this bitch. I go on dates and all I think about is her, I fuck a girl and all I think is her, in my dreams I dream about her. It's terrible.
This woman buck broke me mentally.
It's terrible when you realize this can happen to your brain while also feeling like a cuck and a complete pussy just due to this fact.
You try to cope by telling yourself it's all in your head and it's just this confabulation that's affecting your feelings and by now these thoughts have nothing to do with you or your life anymore, but in the end it's not a solution.
>he doesn’t rape
lol coward
same, except that I'm not that fit, it's been 6 years for me, and I never tried dating anyone else
>having a oneitis
it gets easier once you graduate high school
She wasn't great. She can go fuck herself. Stop being a simp for a woman who's never given you anything.