Passing drug test THC how

I smoked weed on Saturday and Sunday. I have a drug test probably in the next week. I don't know when yet. I'm pushing it back as much as I can.

I've been working out and drinking a shit load of water. I am also eating a ton of apples because I think it will help.

Is there anything else? Also where can I get drug tests to see if I pass yet ??

Thanks Any Forumsraelis. I'm trying to get paid more so I can buy your bags

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wrong board but try going to a sauna or doing a lot of cardio too

Just tell them "I've always been a bit of a pothead" and laugh it off.

you need to get some fake piss
get rush shipping. i've used this for 2 DTs now, no issues. just don't be a pussy.

lol just don't take the test? like where's the problem??

this is good. depending on how stringent the test is, you could try attaching a catheter with someone else's piss to your thigh. make sure it's warm.

THC is stored in fat, keep working out and cut calories so you burn off body fat. I don't think drinking a lot helps for now but if you drink a shitload before the test you can probably get it so deluted it's capable of testing right

Just tell them that your medical status/information is private and that they can fuck right off.

>doing drugs
You deserve to never make it.

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>doing marijuana when employed in a random testing environment
Retard. Cocaine/meth/ecstasy on a Friday is good as you can drink/sweat it out by Monday morning no problem. No way you get rid of thc that fast do what this user said


they won't hire you. or if it's a job you already have, they'll fire you. it's perfectly legal to do so.

Nah, they'll say, "I think this guy is upper management material. How does 150,000 United States dollars per annum sound?"

This one is easy op. The night before the test start to drink lot's of water and take some creatine supplement. On the test day drink shit load of water so your pissing becomes almost ridicculous, also take creatine supplement and drink some yellow colored energy drink that has lot's of vitamin-b in it. Now your piss is diluted to almost pure water, but the energy drink and b-vitamins will color your piss yellow. The creatine part is important as they also check creatine levels from your piss and won't accept piss that is too diluted. I've used it sometimes to pass tests.

Good luck op

I have PTSD you fuck. Ive been raging like a mad man because of no weed

Oh and to add. When youstart to piss in to the test tube don't piss in to it straight away. Try to take your piss from somewhere around the middle of your pissing session as it will be the most diluted

Yes this is exactly what I was looking for. Creatine and vitamins B12 is what I used last time I think but couldn't remember.

I'm going to get some dollar store tests to see if I'm passing or not.

fake peepee like or dilute your piss using Certo+vitamin E or some other custom concoction you can find by googling it.
you cant use just water, those piss tests also test for certain piss chemicals to prevent people doing this, but you can dilute with a drink that includes the vitamins needed to "trick" the test.

on the other hand though if sat/sun were the only times you smoked weed and you're not a regular smoker, you'll probably just be fine on your own in a week

Sounds like youre the type of unstable guy they try to filter out with these types of tests, why not just give them a call and tell them you are a madman unless you constantly take drugs?

>The creatine
that's right, I got tested while taking creatine for the gym and they benchmarked it against my high levels so the thc came out pretty low kek

I can vouch for quickfix. I used it to pass a pre-employment test back in 2020. It was for a REMOTE job of all things, but I didn't want to spend a month detoxing while avoiding a job. Heated it up in the bottle as instructed, kept it in my boxers, and used it at the 3rd party lab site. Passed the piss test at 92 F. I was praised by my managers for being one of their best new hires, even though I smoked during workhours almost every day. I miss it. Only thing is, I'm sure those fuckers over at QF have increased prices on their standard-issue fake piss. It's gotta be a racket over there, since weed has been getting legalized from state-to-state.
Recently I've gone cold turkey and stayed off weed for over a month in anticipation for a new job. The other option was getting a medicinal license but that's hundreds of bucks vs. $40 fake piss vs. staying off weed for around a month.

Thank you

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I mean, I'm literally medicated. They need people to slave for them, they shouldn't be so picky.