I have 100k saved up and a decent salary at my job yet still can't afford to by a modest house in the suburbs. Everything is so fucked right now with housing. I don't know how much longer I can hold out Any Forums. When is the crash you guys keep talking about gonna happen?
I hate renting so fucking much its unreal
Do you really think Bill Gates and the Chinese bought up all these lands and properties just so the price can crash and you can afford it?
100k is a great down payment for a house in the burbs. unless you live in some libfag shithole where cucksheds start at 1 million, in which case you should kill yourself immediately
Im in my 30s
There 2 different people in their 30s
1) The people whose parents helped them buy a house 10 years ago
2) The people who have no help and were saving for the last 10 years but got priced out despite saving
It really depends on your parents, basically everyone I know who have "investor mindset" parents, well their parents helped them buy a house 10 years ago, but the people dont have investor-minded parents, well they're shit out of luck.
owning a home is overrated if you're a bachelor. far better to rent and wait out the market. you have no idea how housing markets in specific regions will do. also, having debt is a sign of slavery.
>live with parents rent free through your 30s
>keep saving and investing
>buy house cash when you're ready
It's so simple
how about 3) the NEETs who live at home with no savings
Yeah thats probably a big enough % to be warranted as its own group now desu
You have plenty. You're just a big autistic pussy who's probably to scared to kick off the process.
I rent a cozy house and pay less than a mortgage would be and fix the place up so my landlord doesn't raise my rent. I should be paying 4k/month in rent but I pay 2500 because I do my own maintenance. :) I'm moving to the mountains soon with all the money I saved to build an off grid cabin. Fuck everyone, I'm going to hang out with the trees.
what a coping pic lmfao. White people caused all of that in the so call "the good reset".
>unless you live in some libfag shithole
I live in Denver, CO. I am renting just outside of downtown now. I want to be on the west side of the city. The houses I am looking to get into were $250k a few years ago. Now these houses start around $750k for something that's rough around the edges. Any house priced less than that is trash not worth buying.
fify you brain dead Any Forums kool aid drinking racially retarded vote against your own interests white trash piece of fucking shit
you're an idiot for trying to stay there
It was really the silent generation.
Eh, Denver has been expensive longer than since Californians found out about it
I have the same down payment as you and make 75k and I can buy a starter home in Colorado Springs around 400-450k, you're gonna have to move south if you wanna start in CO
>but the people dont have investor-minded parents, well they're shit out of luck.
this is basically natural selection since not having a house makes it way harder to raise a family,
I'm failing to see the issue, 100k is a 20%+ down payment for any of these homes. What are you trying to do, pay cash for a 5 bedroom Mcmansion?
put 3% down on a 3.3m house why would you still think debt is real after what happened yesterday?