my bear pants are going to be so pooped by the end of the day
Carter Bell
I only got this in at the last moment in the last thread, so for everyone else: Here is your MidDay Market News. Slightly late today Edition: >JPow to Speak tomorrow. Probably won't say anything new >Peloton revenue drops 30% YOY >Institutional Funds are selling their Office Building properties and holdings >Funds selling more Bonds, becoming more optimistic about the economy >The average 30 year fixed Mortgage rate is 5.5%. Almost double what it was last year >Amazon to close US TeleHealth business >US GDP shrinks only 0.6% in 2nd Quarter, much less than predicted. Jobless claims date better than predicted as well >Hyundai mad at Washington over loss of electric vehicle subsidies >The U.S. and China are nearing an agreement that would allow American accounting regulators to travel to Hong Kong to inspect the audit records of Chinese companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange >Texas accuses Blackrock of energy company boycott in ESG Crackdown >Hedge funds build their biggest bet against the Italian economy since 2008 >European Central Bank is very worried that as the Euro continues to get weaker compared to the US Dollar, that inflation will soar. And that's been the news. Hope your lunch was great today, and if you are on the West Coast, hope you have a great lunch.
Ayden Cruz
who the fuck is jackson and why is his hole so important?
Adam Cook
>buying exercise bike companies that doesn't make exercise bikes.
Hunter Scott
sweep the leg johnny >NVDA
Xavier Rodriguez
Thread not needed
Kevin Gomez
Tomorrow is Friday the 26th. It's like 2 Friday the 13ths rolled into one. I'm thinking it ends tomorrow.
Levi Cox
why do you think we are pumping today? obviously he will be dovish. smart money knows. the hidden tigers have gone back to sleep. the forest is no longer dark nor is it stinky. it's completely over for the bears.
It was obviously a pump and dump so buying calls was the right thing to do.
Kevin Torres
it's quite spicy for the size of jackson's bunghole
Brayden Cruz
no hijes are announced tomorrow dipshit, Powell is giving a speech and they're looking to it for clues on September, 50 or 75 bps. You want to look for calendar of FOMC.
Once the stock went from $164 to $178 in an hour I took profit to wait for a better reentry and scalp a few extra shares. I got out at $177.77 the algos were talking to me
I capitulated on SIGA. Please at least thank me when the price rebounds.
Parker Carter
Losing more money....
Nathaniel Collins
bullshit ass market
Jacob Brooks
Just slurped, thank you for your shares.
Leo Rodriguez
Throw a cheeky 50 at them
Mason Williams
What did you buy? Shotcut is free (though has a rough learning curve)
Julian Carter
>be boglehead >only ever buy index funds >planning to live off the dividends >meanwhile retards are gambling their life savings away on meme stocks and options
Hilarious user. Everyone loves having a bunch of glowing dickheads here to bully people with unfunny memes that aren't even reddit-tier so much. It just wouldn't be the same without all of your clever one-liners.
Aaron Cox
Do you want to get involved in a fight between your people and the other sand people? Ballsy
Jonathan Torres
Movavi video editor plus 2020. I had it on my wish list for years but I'm a Jew so I'll never buy anything unless it's heavily discounted. It was marked down 90 % today so I had to. It's definitely for beginners but anything is better than windows video editor