My sister was living at home making $110,000 per year...

My sister was living at home making $110,000 per year. Then some guy she knows professionally made fun of her for still living at home saying it's time to leave the nest and so she went and got a $500k mortgage, is this how people make their financial decisions? Because of what other people think? What the fuck...

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women are stupid.

>is this how people make their financial decisions?

Women are social animals OP. Most men don't understand this but women's main priority is to fit in and be accepted by the tribe.

Their decision making is not based on what is truth or what is right; it's based on what is acceptable and what is not.

hey nice sister

>the tribe

i make $95k a year and i wish i could live at home. i'd be retired in under 10 years.

Even if I become millionare, i would still live with my mother. I just would buy a nice house, give her a big and nice bedroom and the rest of the house for my and my 4yo relationship girlfriend.
Both are such lovely ladies.
Plus a man has to take care of her mother/family..
Basically still in the next but an upgraded one..

Which is why every other word out of their mouth is "normalize this/that" or "X Y Z is/is not ok". We could turn all of them into a bunch of goose stepping Nazis within this generation if the media/academic consortium started telling them it was the only acceptable thing.

she should move to Vegas and strip. tell her that. Also, I think Pornhub wrecked my brain because so much brother-sister stuff. Tell your sister that too.

yes. i know a friend who got a mortgage loan approved without asking their husband, because fomo. partner comes home to learn a massive mortgage is approved and waiting out the market is no longer a choice. rekd. dont marry stupid. people see others post their homes on insta, see their peers hawking houses, and feel like they're missing out.

>Which is why every other word out of their mouth is "normalize this/that" or "X Y Z is/is not ok".

Yep that is spot on.

The reason why they talk a lot about normalization a lot is simply because an action is not an option until it's acceptable by the peers.

When they say "We should normalize [action X]" they are basically begging society to let them do [action X]

What would your plan be

Asking for a friend. The friend is me.

>professionally made fun of her

So what's he worth? Stand up comedians cant make much.

Based 4yo girlfriend haver

Yes, if they don't live according to the cargo cults one correct way to live that means they are wrong and have failed

I’d turn her into a statistic if I was him

That's unironically a good thing. Women with professional jobs live only to collect as many cats and buy as much shit online as they possibly can. At least she'll have a house now at the end of it and can share the bag with whatever faggot she does marry

Some of the most vociferous slave owners in America's history were women. Whatever society says to embrace - women will go all in. It's that simple.

Who approves a 500k mortgage on only 110k income?

Normalniggers, which women are the most drastic forms of, are easy to bully into something which they don't even really need and wouldn't think they need, if they were capable of thinking, and into things which might be harmful, damaging and deadly for them in the longer run, the thought of not complyng and be seen as second class citizen is omnipresent in their minds and horrifying for normalfaggots

We are all at the mercy of others. It does matter what others think because every person is a grim reaper that can end you if they are moved to. Pull of a trigger. Swish of a knife is all it takes to end your life.

No you wouldn’t retard