I’m 28, make 300k/yr, and live in a townhouse worth a little over 500k but I still feel like women will think I’m poor since I don’t own a SFH. Should I buy a 1M SFH just to appear wealthier to female partners? I have 200k in cash I can put down as a down payment. Living below your means is a meme, I wish I had flexed more when I bought my first house
Embarrassed about living in a townhome
just date poorer women retard. if you live in a city owning anything is impressive. I pulled pussy because I owned a 550sqft studio apartment with a nice view in vancouver.
>oh wow user you OWN this??
If you want to trade money for sex just do it directly.
imagine caring about what people think about what you have to pay for over 30 years instead of having tons of cash and an ability to buy or do whatever you want whenever you want
is there already an hoa? Maybe you could Jew your neighbor into joining your own hoa? Then keep raising the rate because inflation
I was thinking of maybe getting a Porsche 911 instead of another house. Do you think that would be a wiser choice for pulling?
Women be whores but still got trad virgin expectations
>going all this distance for modern 2022+ females
>being this much of a desperate loser for females you'll spend hundreds of thousands just to hope to increase your odds of getting pussy
yes, but honestly if you make that much why aren't you just fucking escorts/pornstars every night?
>make 300k/yr
You are literally obscenely wealthy compared to the average American. And here you are bitching about some frivolous thing like impressing women.
I’m going to unironically become a communist from seeing these kinds of posts over and over Jesus Christ
Trust me, a nice car only gets comments from dudes.
Damn, yeah you’re right. Current car is a BMW and the other day I got a compliment from a teenage male working at Chik Fil A
Spend the cash on a personal trainer, dietician, and any hair transplant/teeth straightening whatever you might need. Noone gonna see your house.
300k/year was unreasonable 10 years ago for people in their 20s. Now we have a handful of enormous, trillion dollar companies that pay tens of thousands of 20 something’s 250k+ per year. It’s not a lot of money anymore, it’s pretty easily achievable.
Unless you live in a crowded European city, why the fuck would you ever choose the townhouse over an actual house with a yard that separates you from noisy neighbors and gives you privacy, etc?
When I bought this house I made half my current salary and all the SFH’s were 4x my income or more, I only had enough for 10% down at the time as well. Fuck the DC area
Yeah if you're born into money and your rich friends from Harvard can get you a job there. The days of being able to just walk into a job like that with just a CS degree and a github are long gone fren.
Ngl, townhouses are inherently feminine. My brother had a townhouse before he bought a house, and even though it was nice and new and in a good neighborhood, I still thought it was kinda cucked.
t. tranner who has only ever rented apartments and will never ever own a home
Not true if you're willing to drive a "cute" car. I got many chicks complementing my Miata and it was embarrassing.
I don't think any women will find you attractive unfortunately no matter how much money you spend. You don't really have the right mindset.
In my area 800k is the floor for any non shit tier SFH. Fml. 1M gets you something decent
>be me, alpha autist
>analyze, meditate, reanalyze, remiditate all day
>buy cheap ass house in boonies
>retards: HAHAHAAA!!! Ain’t shit out here but Blair witch nigga!
>10 years later sell for 2x while their house only went up 50%
Why yes, I dgaf about npc
There's something very "silver medal" about a townhouse idk what it is kek.
>I’m going to unironically become a communist from seeing these kinds of posts over and over Jesus Christ
IKTF. I unironically want to eat the rich. These fuckers will suck every bit of blood out of you so they can make their profits and live their out fantasies of fucking EU high profile whores while making 10000% you will make your entire lifetime assuming you work minimum wage.
Fucking kek I saw a dude driving a Miata the other day, and no offense but it looked top gay.
This might be the best meme /o/ pulled.