Can you actually make money in the long run with sports betting?

I think this shit is all rigged, but some friends call this "investiment" lol

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yes but you need resources and information not easily accessible to gain an edge. go watch the Billy Walters interview.

I believe I can beat the bookies at UFC betting but I want to automate my strategy just I don't know how to code

Brazilian here, this is my passive source of income. Literally just keep betting on the most popular team and you're guaranteed a 60% winrate

What kind of source do you manage your strategy? It looks hard to predict UFC fights before it starts, so I think live betting suits better for this.

Im also brazilian, faz aposta ao vivo ou antes do jogo? acho muito mais fácil prever no ao vivo, mas quase não tenho tempo para assistir os jogos.

Don't touch, you'll get addicted and lose everything

Not on sportsbooks like bet365, because they'll limit your account if you make money. Best case scenario, you're looking at 4-5% ROI long term. Crypto is faaar more lucrative.

I think youre better off investing in ETH and MATIC since most sports are rigged.
Higher chance and almost guaranteed chance of profit.

I just have a pretty good strategy I think, just need to automate it. Currently using a spreadsheet to enter the data points and calculate results. Some of the data points are subjective but I think if I collected enough data and with the right odds, I could beat the books

What kind of stats would you collect on UFC fighters? Weight, height, muscle mass, KOs? Seems a bit arbitrary imo
yes, in fact its (fairly) simple math. You simply both outcomes an abuse different odds & bonus/boosts
>tl;dr no, you're a Any Forums retard

I bet 10$ on 2 team parlays. I can turn 10 to 90-120 from it. start with 50 deposit bonus that has 75-200% reward bonus. American sports are far better to bet on than Soccer leagues.
I put 10 on Cincinnati Reds and Colorado Rockies to win today.
>10$ loss doesn't bother me.

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tfw no gf to smell her yoga pants :

>Can you actually make money in the long run with sports betting?
Yes, if you are willing to gamble. If you play it safe like a retard you lose money. bet very little to win a lot once

Yah basic stuff like that but other things that most bettors wouldn't consider. I can't really go into detail about the data points I look at but like you said we're limited in data and honestly betting live is a pretty decent strategy if you know what you're doing. Other than that you have to understand fighter styles and how they match up with each other. There are many factors

parleys have even lower expected return since you pass the juice twice, or more
>75-200% reward bonus
that's good.
You know what I'm just gonna plug my betting spreadsheet here
>t. betting user already at profit limits betting on 5 bookies with 10/20€ bonus limits

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Just curious, do you fight?

how do you quantify psychological aspect? I think athlete psychology is a big factor to consider in predicting outcome, especially in combat sports.


I see
I tried making an esports model a while back. Since the stats are fairly easily available and scrapable
you should look into python & the requests library and regex to capture the data on the pages

Unironically yes. In the past I bet on boxing and Formula One. Made a shitload over 5 years, then lost half of it in a month and never touched it again.
The problem is that you're just giving yourself a statistical edge based on mountains of research, and will eek out steady but meager gains if you diversify properly.

The temptation to just lay down a bet is always there. If you aren't incredibly disciplined, you won't even know when you do it.

Also, I would humbly suggest staying away from team sports unless you're doing it full time.

I just bet BTC on soccer and crypto price predictions on freebitco. Anything else is just weird to me

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Online Sports betting used to be insane in the early days, back when they didnt limit you. There was so much +ev around, but they've clued up over the years so the margins have gotten thinner.

Most people went over to crypto

That would be hard to determine hence the numerous data points needed to form an idea on who you think will win

I used to think thus until I lost 10K on a bet over Manchester United over some bumfuck county in bongland a week ago.

There are methods and ways to get modest profits year over year by managing your bet sizes, bankroll, and risk, but the primary issue here is human nature. When you go on a losing streak your immediate reaction is to go full tilt because you just lost months worth of profits and meticulous work.