There are NPCs on this board who give financial advice but can't even rotate a cow in their mind
There are NPCs on this board who give financial advice but can't even rotate a cow in their mind
Biggest NPC behavior is thinking yourself superior to others and needing to believe that other people don't have an inner monologue.
I bet you can't even rotate a cow in 3 axes
I bet you can't reflect on how pathetic making this thread and seeking validation from anti-social incels online is
Brainlet cope
leave your bubble and go talk to normal people
>t. identical non-critically thinking and unreflective faggots
kek he cant rotate a simple cow in his mind
I've reflected many times, and I've come to the objective conclusion that you're a faggot who lusts after our critical thinking skills and our ability to resist propaganda. It's okay, you're just a side-character in our storylines, there's no shame in it but don't try to get too mad. Non-npc chads just can't stop winning.
I can think of a real cow.
>from my subjective vantage point
>seeking validation from anti-social incels
Where do you think you are?
sorry guys I think you're on the wrong website you might like reddit
They hated him because he spoke the truth
This would've made the Turing test infallible.
rolling for 69 or 34
>Biggest NPC behavior is thinking yourself superior to others and needing to believe that other people don't have an inner monologue
>NOOOOO everyone is exactly the same in only this one specific thing because... just because ok!?
Rotate this in your mind, NPC
*farts directly into your mouth*
i'm zooming in on the cow's butthole
Heckin Rollerino
she rotated and then just licked my face, thanks OP
help bros I tried it and now I can't stop it spinning
soon you will have liftoff. embrace the bird life.
How do I profit from being attracted to damaged goods?
>illegal twerk