What unknown project are you excited about Any Forums? It's Webcash for me. Blockchain not needed.
What unknown project are you excited about Any Forums? It's Webcash for me. Blockchain not needed
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decentralized social media? blockchain not needed. it also has a token on avax
Nothing really. I've been sitting on my hands for months waiting for the market to bottom out. What's the 411 on webcash?
Decentralized social media should already be huge knowing what we know about FB, Twitter, etc. Getting network effect is difficult though.
>Getting network effect is difficult though.
yeah agreed but I think it will succeed for two big reasons: its architecture is infinitely scalable, same as bittorrent, and its utility is massive, it's the possibility to create subreddit clones fully p2p, so impossible to censor, and tokenized, so you completely own them (meaning you can sell them, you can monetize however you want). pretty huge. it's on alpha rn, beta release in the coming weeks. also it started here on biz back in January, I think it's this boards' next big thing.
>What unknown project are you excited about Any Forums? It's Webcash for me. Blockchain not needed.
this plane looks sick, i bet it can drop some massive fucking stealthy nukes
It's got potential to be a payment system without any intermediaries. Most info dropped at bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5408873.0 by the dev.
Maddy is a whore
Plebbit, a p2p r*ddit clone running on ipfs/gossipsub
plebro, ygmi.
r*ddit will fall
decentralised SCAM
Block-E: It was released about a week ago and it is a crypto market where you can buy laptops, phones, and recently gift cards to amazon and others. If it expands the products available it can make using crypto to purchase things easier than withdrawing through a CEX.
Tell me more about webcash.
Imagine if you have to let rip a really big fart in those suits
Ponder the lingering aroma
thanks for sharing ill check that out
Plebbit is like Reddit, but better. Basically Plebbit does not use servers, it uses IPFS for p2p, working like a torrent, which means it cannot be censored. It is the best way to make sure you have your freedom of speech (unlike Reddit and Any Forums, where your posts will often be deleted due to political moderators). On Plebbit anyone can create a subplebbit and become a community owner. Every owner can moderate their subplebbits as they like, but if the community do not agree, they can simply create their own subplebbits. Also, Plebbit is open source, which means that all of its code is available at Github, so if you disagree and want to implement your own version of Plebbit, you can edit the code as you like. This website is p2p, not at blockchain, but it will allow donations in crypto. The PLEB token will only be used for donations and for the DAO.
t me/plebbit
join us in our mission to destory reddit
Pleb-chan is so cute and funny...
I think adoption is critical to these things, I mean we already have a defi chat built on web3 but no one talks about it
it probably sucks then, brahhhhh
Case closed
I imagined this would be ded already by now, heard about it in 2020. what's the latest
any of you fags come across Sylo's micropayment option yet? you wouldn't be so ignorant if you give it a try