Can we admit this has been an utter disaster?
It's one of the top performing cryptos across a longer time horizon of all time. So, no.
Only in the last year has it been a disaster. Before that the chart was gorgeous.
we knew, only newfags fell for the buy link meme
>It's one of the top performing cryptos across a longer time horizon of all time. So, no.
meds, now
>A new ath every year since inception
That's anything but a disaster. And we still have 4 months left in 2022, just saying...
like clockwork, classic pnd
Screencap this, LINK doesn't cross $10 again in 2022. Not a 1% chance
objectively speaking, yes, it has absolutely been a disaster, especially compared to BTC/ETH in similar timeframes
>muh fundamentals
nothing meaningful has been shipped after 5 years, unless a miracle happens soon, it is a fucking failure
So you admit its a classic rugpull like Bitconnect?
Lmao I remember when link went from 0.25 to 1 and I was like ok I could probably buy some even though im late
Then it went from 1 to 4 and I didn't buy because I felt like I missed out
Then it went from 4 to 10 and I was like damn
Then it went from 10 to 40 in the bullrun and I was like shit this is majorly overvalued
Now it's back en route to 4 and that sounds about right
Hasn't LINK massively outperformed BTC and ETH since inception
pretty sure its the only long term ALT that has outperformed too. even ETH hasnt outperformed BTC long term
like pottery :)
sloppy job as per usual
all fields
no you see this thread is to compare link after it did a 180x blow off top during the crypto bear market vs all other crypto's that followed daddy shitcoin in a regular bull cycler
> XRP is lower today than it was in early 2017, more than half a decade later
> But bros, XRP is the Standard. It's one of the top performing cryptos over a long time horizon.
LINKies taking the Most Retarded Schizos title from XRP cucks
XRP debuted at $.003 and today you have over a 100x on your capital still. How many cryptos can you show me which have been around more than 5 years and are still 100x their initial price? I’ll wait.
My father works for oracle and is quite close to Sergey. He told me that Sergey showed up at the office last month to announce that he ate his thousandth Big Mac. In honor of such a special moment, Sergey handed out free t-shirts he found at a local Salvation Army. Before he left, he took my father aside and asked “you didn’t actually buy in, did you?”
>everything was going well until the line started to go down
Yeah and the first few years of the soviet union was probably fucking wonderful if you were a communist. If you just forget the following 70 years of history then it was a resounding success.