I need to see something

State the number of link you hold, your eye color, the last time you jacked off, and your bmi
>19 hours ago

Attached: BFD127E5-9C63-4BF4-A19E-61BCDBB8DE85.jpg (1492x1080, 145.9K)

fuck's sake linkies are stupid

>8 hours ago

spotted the fat fuck incel

>not using BF%

don't act like you have any muscle mass to skew the reading, you're a low T incel with at least 40% bf
LMFAO even


People with less than 1k link consider themselves marines now?
Shoo shoo casual

I hold a lot of link and I hate niggers and kikes, thats all you need to know you fluorescent nigger

i don't get the joke

>550 million tokens
>5 mins ago into a Big Mac to take the edge off before this town hall
>46.3 BMI

I’m not a marine. I’m a mere stacklet

that's because you're the butt of it, fatass

2 weeks ago

user going out of his way to bully a pedantic lanklet by calling him fat is the joke, i just don't get it. kek

>i just don't get it
must be that language barrier getting in the way
what language do you speak at home?

it's not a language issue, it's autism
bmi is clearly inferior to body fat %, but he's avoided acknowledging that in favor of flexing a common imageboard insult combo type.
is the joke that he's framing the discussion in terms of a power dynamic rather than truth? i'm a lanklet so calling me fat doesn't make sense

>6 days

This is Body fat. BMI says I'm obese for being a swole manlet.

>I need to see something
can you explain this important research?
what's your hypothesis?

>Edging: 12 hours ago / but to completion: several weeks ago
>6’1” / 190lbs. (Don’t feel like doing BMI)