/tlcg/ LUNC Terra Luna Classic General - Countdown Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


>0.5 Bi-Days until staking
>1.5 Bi-weeks until burn
>1 Bi-month until new validators
>2 Bi-months until EOY

We WILL make it.
>$0.01 is FUD
>$1 is FUD
>$5 is FUD
>$100 WILL be achieved at the end of the Bi-year

Good opportunity to see if gigawallet does anything during this.

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sussin or bussin? cap or no cap? fr or not fr? On or off gawd? It's a hardknock life.


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I can see a purple shade in a couple of veins on my erection
(lunchads know why I have an erection)

Yeah this was my thinking that they would run together.
Heres your digits btw.

Few understand

Tell me more about the staking, if you should do it etc


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I believe you >iraqiOJ wagmi

Not him but Baboona. I'll likely upgrade to Fatman in the next coming months.

Attached: Terra.jpg (1080x268, 23.56K)

thanks for another blessed thread OP
>thread theme

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Mandarin Milfhunter

what's the use case for LUNC? why moon

To make us rich

>what's the use case for LUNC?

>use case
whatever Jesus Christ wills.
>why moon
All holders are blessed by God.

it is our solemn duty to help make le redditors whole again, its our noble duty as cryptobros ;)

To pay off a karmic debt

2x Baboona. Will top off to Fat Man or beyond if we go below .0001 again

To impregnate qt big assed asians

To make us rich

Based, LUNC is the instrument OUR LORD has provided to usher just revenge upon (((THEM))), the murderers of Jesus