be me college kid last year $150,000 in LINK

> be me college kid last year $150,000 in LINK
> lost 90% of my portfolio
> today dropout, crashed and dented my car after coming home tired from my min wage job
> all my bank accounts in overdraft paying 15% in overdraft fees
> developed irregular heartbeat condition from anxiety at high stress job

Isn't there a better life than being a LINK marine?

Attached: sdfsdf.jpg (750x920, 105.33K)

Keep hodl link marine $1000 eoy.

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>wasting $150K on internet money
why are incels like this?

Sell your LINK retard. Did you think we were kidding when we said it would NEVER pump?

I am a 2017 buyer
All my life savings

So you held for 5 years just to get a 90% loss against ETH? kek

Were you like me and were stripped for cash so you invested the bare minimum?


I don’t care anymore
If smartcon is a nothing burger the whole community will snap

Idk if some anons will come together and come up to fuck up their whole operation in Minecraft

I will donate my whole stack and watch

understood marine, have fun donating your $150 in a couple of months

The curse of Chainlink, many such cases.

Attached: 1656676451616.gif (480x480, 3.24M)

>link mentioned
damn bruh das crazy
shoulda bought $BAT and $VINU

Attached: 1639501118266.png (512x512, 77.95K)

You get what you deserve, marine.

nigga u stoopid

This is why I always drive really carefully.

>he relaxed around Any Forums
you deserve everything you get

Attached: sergey.jpg (770x840, 522.71K)

> Opting in to overdraft fees

If you bought link in 2017 you never spent more than $1 per link. At ath having $150k means you had around 2850 Link. So you probably spent about $8k on your link stack. It’s still worth around $20k. If you sold right now it would be a 2.5x profit. I will say you’d be a retard because even if no link fudders are right it’s almost certain that link would pump above $10 next bullrun.

strong FUD

Annnnnnnd the price dumps below $6. Good work fgts.

>stressful job
>min wage
Time to start looking for another job broskie