Is this book worth a read for sub 150 iq midwits? will I get filtered?

is this book worth a read for sub 150 iq midwits? will I get filtered?

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If it is a redpill book on kikes then it’s 100% worth a read

explain the snake symbol

>satan is god, serve him to have power
>all signs can have exoteric and esoteric (subconscious) meaning
>use ritual to entrain yourself and others on the willful use of subconscious, semantically dense language
>talk over the heads of goyim using your shared language

read into hermetic philosophy

You can generate that crap with GPT3 and it will look just as genuine


endless cycle of life and rebirth
male and female principles combining to form a cohesive whole
who cares, theosophists venerate lucifer

dont bother with blavatsky, read pic rel and hermetic texts

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this is the utmost introductory text to satanism

what is the T supposed to mean? almost looks like a cross...

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literally kys

Why? It explains perfectly what real satanism is, and how self-professed "satanists" are mostly useful idiots

>tfw 149 IQ midwit

mind you, this is not an explicit endorsement of these beliefs. Just good explanatory texts

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>what satanism isn’t: le bad
>what satanism is: le good
sure thing pal

it's from the POV of a satanist you nitwit

Which is it?

> endless cycle of life and rebirth
male and female principles combining to form a cohesive whole
That’s oriborus, genius.

Does it really matter?

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desu OP you're better off reading Rene Guenon and he dismissed Blavatsky as a hack, having personally known her cult

this guy knows
it's spelled Ouroboros and that's just a symbolic example of the bigger underlying principle which the user you replied to approached better

Theosophists worship Christ not Satan. They equate Christos with Lucifer (Morning Star, Venus). You are clueless and probably a christcuck

>They equate Christos with Lucifer
funny how gnostics or any sort of derivative always end up inverting every principle Christ taught.
>muh synthesis
Nah, just excuses for degradation and moving away from God. Clever satanism, but I guess you won't admit that because that would mean owing up to your moral failures.

This thread is proof that religious people are literal retards.

or maybe chirstcucks took it from every other religion

I fucked your mom.