Ready to go to work today, tradie? You’re a free thinker that ain’t need no college degree, all those degree hackers gave themselves six figure debt burdens!

Oh wait, now they don’t have to pay most of it back LMAO. Shoot, better get’em next time, tradie. Now please go unclog the toilet in the break room, I just took a massive shit.

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So it’s true the left cannot meme

I went to a trade school as part of a college program and got loans and pell grants that can now be forgiven, now what?

Tradies dont give a shit about this. Now you college retards who can't set a toilet can pay me even more to do it for you.

if only these retards would learn basic economics at college
you should consider suicide
>muh picking political sides
seriously, kys

You have to admit it's funny to see the media try to pit trades against graduates though

I can afford to pay you to fit a toilet, and i wouldn't be caught dead by anyone touching somewhere 1000s of people shit. I'm surprised you'd even sell yourself for any amount of money, goes to show what you're worth

whatever "setting a toilet is," i can probably do it with 30 minutes on youtube. it's just not worth my time.

what does he mean by this

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You have to admit, the student loan system was garbage.
I see this as the elite throwing this bone to the wagie/white collar class as a compromise instead of UBI and "tax the rich" talk.
There is a lot of control and money to be made in America still.

Americans are cucks to Israel, obviously. We routinely give them much more than $300B and everyone cheers.

Cool it with the anti-semitism

banks knew they wouldn't get paid back. they had to get more creative with this bailout. there are only 9 loan servicers that have contracts with the federal government.
>they're paying themselves

Nah, this one's actually pretty solid. Conservatards are all over twitter flinging shit behind student loan forgiveness but all the gorillions in aid flowing overseas only ever gets the occasional snarkpost.

So it's basically the tax payers that are out of pocket. Government doesn't lose shit, lenders get their money, retard college art students get their debt reduced. Enjoy getting less tips at your coffee shop job.

>claims he can do a $700 job in 30 min
>pretends it isn’t worth his time
Tell me you’re just a brain dead consooomer without telling me you’re a consooomer.

But he is "educated" and smarter than you. Of course it's going to take you longer to do it than him.

Twitter huh, wow very neat

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>"$700 job in 30 minutes"
>tiresome LARP where the tradenigger pretends he makes good money

yes paying you $50/hour with overhead to spend 1 hour pulling compacted shit out of my toilet is worth the expense. now chop chop, wagie, those turds ain't gonna suck themselves free.

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>in the break room


did you type this from your cubicle LMFAO

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At least im rich enough to repay a 60k loan in full

user you don't suck turds out of a toilet to replace you really think the toilet stores all the turds?