I have the following issue:

I have the following issue:
I'm leaving the apartment I currently rent 6 months after my gf and I came here. I broke up with my gf and she probably won't come back, and I have no need to stay here (I work from home, and I have my own home, though this place is nicer). I live here only because of her. For me this apartment is a continuous waste of money.
Most things in this appartment are hers. She's in a though situation because she makes a lot less money than me, has a shitty new job and rent has gone through the roof everywhere, which means she simply won't be able to rent something new and will have to move her stuff back home, which she says doesn't have enough space for her stuff. It would have been very convenient for her to stay here with me or with a friend or something, but she declined and instead moved with her parents.
Here comes the problem: we pre-paid my landlord 2 months of guarantee, which is a lot of money for us. The lease is on me, and the contract states that I don't get that money back if I leave before 1 year. Also, we paid rent 50/50. Now rent is due on september 1, but my gf can't take her shit with her before sept. 10 or so, which means I'll have to pay another month... Wholly by myself.
Thing is, I don't like giving money to leachers. If I decide to stay for the next 6 months, I'd waste a LOT more than those 2 months... It doesn't make any sense, unless I share the apartment or do something useful with it. The contract also states that I cannot sub-rent any part of it, which is something I could do, since the apartment includes parking space for 1 car and a cellar.

Any suggestions? Should I try and extract as much money as possible from the apartment without telling the landlords? Should I simply pay then leave and forget everything? Am I overthinking this?

Pic related: my landlord.

Attached: istockphoto-1175285667-170667a.jpg (509x339, 97.9K)

OTOH, we recently had some really stressful issue with water leaks from the the apartment above us. It's a known issue in this building. I'm pretty sure we could argue that the landlord SHOULD have know about the issue, that the stress made us break up and caused us a lot of damage, and that we should get our money back or have some sort of agreement unless they want me to take things to court.
Should I threaten my landlord?

A very expensive lesson is that you don't sign contracts with girlfriends or lend big sums of money to friends.
>Now rent is due on september 1, but my gf can't take her shit with her before sept. 10 or so
Not your problem. If you want to be kind, rent a storage unit for a month and dump it there.

you will pay your rent, and if not you will get your wages garnish you worthless rentoid leech.

women are pros at making stupid decisions and wasting men's resources. learn from this and take the L.


Get back together with your gf

sub-lease under the table?

>a bunch of non-problems if this dude had some balls

You cant avoid it you will get scammed one way or another, that is the whole point.

At least you can take comfort in the fact that you are an honest, moral ans clever individual who recognizes the parasitic nature of landlordism. You are miles ahead from 99% of the parasites that dwell in this site. How come you are here if you dont mind me asking

Have you ex-gf SIGN for a storage unit you offer to pay 1 month towards. Hell offer two months if you want just ensure her name is on that contract without yours.

This. Evict her shit. You are no longer bf and gf.

Now kindly fuck off, OP

Lacking empathy is easy/requires literally no balls.

I wish I could, but I'm not really sure after what I did...

I should do this, yeah. Problem is, the landlords could visit any day and detect something wrong.

What does it mean to have balls in this context?
For me it would mean telling my landlord to fuck off, stay a month or 2 without paying shit and then leave. Too bad there is a new law that allows landlords to fuck renters in the ass and evict them in under a month.

Thanks for the advice, that's a good idea. She can't take her shit with her before sept. because of work though, so I'd have to do that for her...

>At least you can take comfort in the fact that you are an honest, moral ans clever individual who recognizes the parasitic nature of landlordism. You are miles ahead from 99% of the parasites that dwell in this site. How come you are here if you dont mind me asking
Been here for many years. I come here to read and be influenced by the fucked up shit retards do or say for no reason other than entertainment. I'm a sad, lonely guy...

Laws regarding tenant rights will vary location to location so take anything you see here with a grain of salt. If it's just your name on the lease then yeah you can kick your ex gf's stuff to the curb no problem. It's just a matter of how civil you want to be with her. The reality is in most places if it's your name on the lease then you're on the hook for the term of that lease. At least where I live landlords can come after you for the remainder of the amount of the lease if you break it early, although they rarely do that and happy to keep the deposit in return for letting the tenant break it. You'll just have to run a cost analysis, will it be overall cheaper to break the least and lose the deposit or just suck it up and stay for the remainder. Again, take this with a grain of salt, renting laws vary country to country and state to state. Also why the fuck are you guys living in an apartment if you already have your own home? Were you renting that in the meantime or is it just empty?

>Laws regarding tenant rights will vary location to location so take anything you see here with a grain of salt
I know. Laws in my country used to be very lazy and kind of pro-renter (you could stay at the place for months or even years without paying and landlords couldn't do shit other than cry), but they now passed a law that made everything WORSE for renters.
I dunno about the deposit, though. I'll have to ask a lawyer about it. It's supposed to be a GUARANTEE, but landlors abuse it as much as they can.

>Also why the fuck are you guys living in an apartment if you already have your own home? Were you renting that in the meantime or is it just empty?
That home is another issue on its own. It's a shitty place, far from the city, owned by my mom, and I had lots of drama for being stupid enough to help my mom buy that house.

Writing all of this has helped me realize how stupid I am for helping people and trying to be a good person...

>stressful issue with water leaks from the the apartment above us.
You sound like a little bitch ass faggot pussy.
No wonder she left you.

I hate renting but my mom moved me here, I hate living in America.

>honest, moral ans clever
He rents and his gf is leaving him, no he isn't.

>I'm a sad, lonely guy...
You sound pathetic, no wonder she left you.

Attached: 1659795627486314.jpg (843x751, 141.94K)

You don't write on a keyboard, retard, you type.
My fucking God, you're dumb.

don't listen to this dickless fag OP