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What is he going to say today?
Justin Fisher
Isaac Thompson
Jack King
Justin Hall
He will begin with : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eu neque tempor enim pharetra ullamcorper. Cras eu pulvinar orci. Aliquam vestibulum enim eget risus feugiat, et sagittis nunc maximus. Quisque posuere urna at purus elementum, nec consequat leo volutpat. Etiam eget nunc vel diam aliquam fermentum. Morbi sit amet malesuada ex. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean congue tortor quam, et tempor enim pretium vel. Phasellus fermentum, metus eget rutrum fermentum, tellus lorem auctor nibh, in sagittis elit ipsum sit amet sapien. In auctor finibus venenatis. Quisque eget neque tellus. Nulla facilisi."
And then close off with : "Nam pellentesque lacinia dolor quis pellentesque. Fusce eu quam nec augue gravida viverra sit amet non est. Vestibulum accumsan sapien elit, sit amet porttitor velit dictum at. "
Landon Rivera
>here are some slides everyone has seen before
>stay tuned for smartcon 2022
Kayden Nguyen
>It is my privilege and pleasure to announce that I have finally finished my crowning achievement. For the last several years we at CLL have been in contact with aliens from Alpha Centauri and it has been decided that Earth is to be made ascendant, promoted into the Union of the Order of Planets and I, Sergey Nazarov will be its ambassador. To achieve this enormous amounts of data will be passed back and forth in a cultural and scientific exchange which will hugely benefit our planet. Death and disease will be all but eradicated and we will enter a golden age of health, happiness and peace. The Chainlink token will be instrumental in this process and the network will be responsible for all data uploaded and downloaded to and from the union during this time. It will work exactly as described in our first and second whitepaper via the staking methods described therein. We hope you are as excited as we are for this next step in the evolution of humanity and it is my dearest hope that myself and the network I have helped build can guide our humble species successfully through this next giant leap. Thank you.
Hunter Price
It’s described as a town hall. I suspect he will answer a series of heavily curated questions.
Isaiah Diaz
I would assume he is going to scream nigger at his webcam for 10 minutes straight.
Nicholas Gomez
>Link is not a scam, the token is very much needed, please buy more $1000 eoy *bites in big mac* yes so good bye.
Daniel Torres
>token not needed
Benjamin Cooper
when is showtime?
Julian Bailey
2pm EST
Cooper Robinson
> $4.42 (150% down over 24 hrs)
Jaxson James
Oh God I hope he doesn’t say nigger again
Matthew Thompson
>Hello, did you know that the Chainlink token is completely unnecessary and has no real value? We sold them just to raise capital. That is all. "
Carter Long
he will ramble about dtcc and the token price will plummet
Charles Allen
I like to pluck the dirty crusty pubes that are where my fat sweaty thigh meets my balls. I want to know what Sergey would think about this and if he'd like to put one of my crusty pubes on his bigmac?
Ethan Clark
>150% down
Angel Long
Daniel Smith
Looking forward to share a Big Mac with everyone!
Christopher Nelson
How do I watch this? I will not sign up to Twitter or any social media site for that matter. Is it on YouTube somewhere?
Nathan Hall
This starting in 10 mins?
William Davis
Will this go live on twitter at the #chainlinked page?
Liam Lee
bros im starving but im waiting to go out to get a big mac untill after the twitter spaces
how long is the talk going to be
Liam Rivera
What’s the point of this a month before smartcon? It’s not like he is going to say anything of value in a fucking twitter space
Have a feeling he will be begging people to attend the con
Bentley Cook
he's talking about the memetic magic of the community
Levi Carter
Is this the official listening thread?
Tyler Gomez
they should ask him what he thinks of these digits
Jaxson Nelson
literally the POSITIVE THOUGHTS pasta lmao
Evan Robinson
this is exactly the reason
to get more people to come to nyc
also sound just cut off lol
Justin Powell
Sergey loves the memes
Ethan Ward
They dont study math in Bulgaria
Aaron Garcia
>a series of heavily curated questions
Michael Davis
They already have a list of questions. What a surprise