What was your biggest mistake with shitcoins?

What was your biggest mistake with shitcoins?

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Don't be shy

Buying ICP, the biggest and most complex shitcoin of them all

Not selling

buying them in the firstplace was a bad idea, if i jjust dollar cost averaged into eth/btc i would be way richer. T.in market since 2017

buying injective ticker INJ. havent checked in couple of months but prob sub 10c by now. luckily i learnt from previous fuck ups and only put 500bucks in it. lot of people yoloed

This, also buying one of the arbitrium shitcoins

m1thr1l was my worst bsc shitcoin mistake. fucking atrociously bad decision.

Same, I sold way too early

I bought Chainlink

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My biggest mistake has been not putting enough capital in.. I've only picked winners.

I fucking timed the bottom of Luna classic when it nuked down and scored an easy 80x.. instead of putting 1k in I put $100 in..

I've found a new project which only has a 180k mc lol and I am not fucking up this time.. I'm also not going all in because that's fucking retarded but I'm looking at a 70-100x within the year.. fucking bliss. Not a shill either because I'm not saying what it is. Some things need to grow organically.

It wasn’t the money.
It was the time And energy I wasted on it.

buying them and not buying them

not selling. its my biggest strength and my biggest weakness. i am both fearless and greedy.

BSC shitcoins, burned 100k that way, worst offender being UltraSafe.
My greatest play was Harmony, made me 300k, cashed out big portion of it to buy the apartment I live in now, in hindsight a good decision since Harmony imploded due to literal phising attempt draining the Bridge, that blockchain is dead now.

Hey fudders. What’s this pattern called? Did we break it?

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Wrong thread but fuck it.

Non, I buy them knowing I'm gambling my money. Is like Las Vegas at home

Zoom out, it has stayed at this level for a month or so. Wait till end of this month/ middle of next and hopefully we’ll start breaking the pattern and become parabolic

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Getting greedy trying to double my money with BSC shitcoins, mistiming, and losing everything.

Bought bingus token

kek omisego. the skateboard :D ah good times.

ICP for sure, I had to jump out of that ship around 40-36$. I couldn't bear the dumping and I'm not willing to take a big loss. Imagine if I stayed in and that shit crashed to 4-5$, I would be seething so hard right now