Anyone remember BAO?

Anyone remember BAO?
I forgot about it for some time and wanted to see if my locked BAO is unlocked now, but I can't find it. Does anyone know what happened?

Attached: bao-banner.90e5acb6.png (336x313, 13.94K)

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Will post tits for help

Go on then. Don't forget the timestamp

you'll get your money when sushi hits $15 lmao

Attached: 51329004_284536892239020_4570898505018638336_n.jpg (320x320, 9.17K)

Tits for help, no advance payment.

Dude seeing your thread reminded me of my panda stack.
These BAO guys made another coin called PANDA and a pandaswap. It had a pretty good apy and I was a newbie to crypto and staking altogether. I staked a big chunk of money.
Gonna see what happened to it but I can't even remember the correct ticker or the site.

come on Any Forums, be helpful only once. I already took the picture.

The scamming chink who ran it increased the lockup period to like 5 or 10 years

Yeah I made like $5k on this shit, miss these times dearly.

Nobody wants a pic of your man boobs.

But I can't even see the locked assets anymore, shows just 0???

i miss making a ton off of this stupid token

Speak for yourself user

check the etherscan contract directly

You are getting closer. Maybe I'll da a boob an vagoo

Anyone loves heeles?

Who Is The Bao Man?

Attached: 1614726065716.jpg (3240x3240, 481.37K)

This is what debank says is the unlock for my locked tokens. I guess it was a chink scam after all kek.
Oh well, this shit made me 39k dollars from a 900 dollar investment so I can't complain too much. I threw all that money away chasing more eth scam shit after that.

Attached: baoscam.png (973x190, 11.33K)


Attached: 1639715538240.jpg (1752x1214, 314.73K)

>unlock time: January 1st, 2056
kek user why did you think that was a good idea
Its still going, but I think the community voted to remove all the locked rewards.

As I said I made an absurd amount from my initial investment and then even more from the farms. I got in really, really early. I shilled Bao here from it's first week before it mooned at all, I made many anons very wealthy, I know cos they told me. I wish I had invested more but it was my first cycle and I was a poorfag. The locked tokens were just a bonus to me. I lost interest at some point and they must have decided to jew everyone. It doesn't matter, not a penny of that lockup was money I invested, rather 'rewards' for being an LP.

oh nice they voted to take my money? I hate democracy.
I made some money from it anyway so who cares.
I won't post any pictures here because I don't want to do it, thank you anyway.

You don't have tits or pussy to post anyway. YWNBAW. Enjoy eternal manhood.